A simple hello

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Club Guest
May 23, 2010
Hello there club members and passionate BMW sapiens,I have long been freeloading in this forum without any contributions and post and have finally decided to dive in. Well to be honest, the reason was simple; I don't own a beemer. Infact I do not even own a car, after years of slaving away I have finally decided to get myself a car and I tell you, it's a battle between the brain and the heart. I drove a beemer back in 2007 and i fell in love immediately. Now I ready to buy a car and I am looking for a sturdy and beautiful BMW e39, I am hoping to get a well taken care of beauty and I promise to keep her that way. I am hoping to get her soon and have been looking up in this forum and mudah for years now. I hope to make good friends and would like to learn a lot from the gurus in this forum. I do not know much about a beemer and all my knowledge is from reading as I have not been lucky enough to own one yet. However once I do I hope to share my experiences and be an active member in this fantastic and brilliant community. Humbly,Joefox11
Welcome bro hope succes in your search soon...good luck bro...

aku ada stereng lori dan bas......kau ada....
Welcome on board. It's never to late to own a bimmer. Hope you find your dream car soon.
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