acidburn;246188 said:Hey Soorian,
Good choice bro. I wish that I could get E90 also soon when my financial stable..ha ha ha... Your house will look sparkling when E46 park side by side with E90...Go 3 series !!
dannis;246555 said:woo... congrat! Does E90 320 SE have same front bumper like 325 sport? I went to AB Glenmarie last few week and seem 320SE with new bumber design liao and the salesman told me is the new package....
dannis;253035 said:Send my car for service this morning @ Glenmarie... David, 320 SE have Msport kit la...
dannis;253422 said:is with front, rear bumper and side skirt, but without m-suspension.... the saddest thing is the same prices with my 320SE...
mikeyew;253549 said:The sad thing about BMW Malaysia is that they always have this strategy to add-on more goodies as the model aged at no extra cost or lower priced sometimes. This will put the earlier buyers at a disadvantage position when selling their cars later on. Personally, I don't think it's a good strategy. Real suckers.
dannis;253422 said:is with front, rear bumper and side skirt, but without m-suspension.... the saddest thing is the same prices with my 320SE...