Why is the 'Tech & Peformance' Section private?

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For those who wants to join the club but thinks that the fees too expensive. Please pm me. I can offer a instalment plan for you guys. 6months,8 months??? interest is a must.no problem.:D
Zoggee;224758 said:
For those who wants to join the club but thinks that the fees too expensive. Please pm me. I can offer a instalment plan for you guys. 6months,8 months??? interest is a must.no problem.:D

zoggee is that really you?:D Im so touched coming from you.
Wei the faster you pay the betterlah now still June mah afterward you pay in July you complain not fair pulak...:D , seriously get in touch with Fabian and Show him the Money.

WOW !!:eek: Ten pages for a Section pleading to be open...

It sucks.:(

wondering why a old geezzer like me quiet.. hmmmnn... was even ask this evening why was i not a official member yet though i m long in the club since 2003...i believe everyone has a reason why he has not signed up.. I HAVE..

Why a Club ??

intro to the club:-

it exists in the cyberworld for 4 years, created by our founder Mr. Chester, passed the baton to the new elected committee to bring the club to be official as to be reconized as Malaysia as the Official Club bearing the affiliated BMW roundel even 'unauthorized' workshops can't even wear on their shirts :eek:

So what's the big hu-hah about the club charging Fee's ?:(

Pot calling Kettle Black ?


cos when the time was 3 years ago, there was so much hype about the club to obtain official 'status' that the committee was faced with so much abuses and threats even subject to name callings..

obtaining these status of "Official' was a very trial waiting period even accusations from time to time was hurled to the committee..

Then comes the final Okay from ROS on 19 September 2006


link to the thread is


here comes my views on this 10pages..

1. all the other Non Official cyberclub congratulated the club being official, then now insigating the club with their slandering comments and procastinating here and their own clubs;

2. the forumers that posted in that thread is NOT in this thread complaining and bitching about;

3. the club has rules, so adhere to it or stick to the 'non-pay-sites'

4. so what the club obtains 100 paid members ? huh, can tell you even when comes to official tt, less than 20 members turn up, organize a convoy trip to north and south, less than 15 cars, even a charity even organized by Okaw is less than 20 forumers..
yes, comes to a free drinking and food party, more than 30 cars.:eek:

in my opinon, i rather have serious members than more that talk..
even organizing a trip with a selected committee is to handle the committee first.

in cyber space all talk, never walk the talk..

I believe the committee is doing good being a committee dedicated to the club, bringing it to new levels as it's a tough job, but democratic channels must be always accessable and deciding factors agreed on by 'official' members prior to any rules imposed.

I believe by my comments above, will upset some people (i m not runing for any post), but hey, i posting it cos for the love of the roundel,everyone is a friend to me, because i have never upset anyone yet. Those are upset, will post something based on my posts, for that i m sorry.

That's all i have to say, i have said.


sorry, cos i always forgot to pass the form when i meet up with the committee.. dun worry, will post if i can't pass it.

Dear committee and President.. dun delete neither edit this post.sorry for my english.
Guys all this because of RM300,and know reduce to RM225somemore want to make noice. As i have said before you want to play you have to pay. Come on guys we drive BMW la if you cant pay this amount than i just dont know or what to say somemore .If this amount is to much i wonder how you guys maintain your cars ?
I am not trying to dissgrace anybody but this what i feel . Cheers

Still remember who ask you to join the forum.? You are still driving ur stock E34 at PNDC dah.....

btw,I luve pussy.
But the days have not come to an end yet so its still not too late to relive it, you just have to make it happen.......
Charging Membership is fine,its up to the members to decide whether they want to be a paying member or not,but the Tech n Performance Section should be open to all b'cos alot of members contributed to that section meaning to say it belongs to all.You pay membership for privileges that non paying one have no access to,like if u have a club House,u need to be a member to enter the premises,AGM meeting,annual dinner,certain BMW function etc but not the forum lah.;) PEACE
tchdaniel;224783 said:
Charging Membership is fine,its up to the members to decide whether they want to be a paying member or not,but the Tech n Performance Section should be open to all b'cos alot of members contributed to that section meaning to say it belongs to all.You pay membership for privileges that non paying one have no access to,like if u have a club House,u need to be a member to enter the premises,AGM meeting,annual dinner,certain BMW function etc but not the forum lah.;) PEACE

Whilst you may make some sense here, I must say that once again that you have to look at the bigger picture. Should we just leave the forum open when the forum is now the single most attractive thing that attracts most BMW owners here. Of course there other reasons too, but many here communicate with each other on the forum. So ok lets say now we leave the forum open, can we then question the mushrooming of all other forums ? Will they then shut down ? It isnt our aim to shut down any other forum as we have our own vision and mission and are working towards it. We cant control the way they chose to handle a tiny thing. We are in the midst of an evolving and we this. As the famous proverbs say ' Dont Change Horses in Midstream ' I leave you to make your own judgement.
Lets have a cut-off date for this thread - say by 30th June, 2007. Anyone and everyone wants to have their say; just say it.

I am non-paying yet, but after having a friendly meeting with some of the members and committee (3 of who I met for the first time); I see the situation better. XXX, Sithwarrior; I have the membership form filled out. Who is the gentleman I am supposed to hand this over together with payment? Could you pm his Tel # to me. Thanks.

It is very clear that to be a member, you have forum site privilidges. Besides other + points.

A suggestion:

1. Close the tech & performance section. This section can be accessed only by club paying members.

2. Leave the general section open for free.

3. For those who still want to access the tech & performance section, without being a full-fledge member(without any other club member benefits); can pay a fee of say RM3 per month (payable RM36 annually, upfront, no installment) and post a limited number (10 being the number) of posts per month. Whether the number is utilised fully or not, is immaterial. Once the 10 postings is done, the section is automatically blocked till the end of the month. Unless, you pay another RM3 for that month. Quite a bit of work for the admisnistrator initially, but once in motion, it will be automatic.

This idea is to accomodate guys like me who do not have the time to participate in the other club activities. But I have decided to pay as a full-paying member.

As for the rest, who are actual free-loaders; sorry la.
If my suggestion is seen as the club wanting to make money, so be it. HAVE FUN, GUYS & GALS!
Thanks Innovator for your kind understanding. your idea is kinda intresting, I will table it at our next meeting.
tchdaniel;224783 said:
Charging Membership is fine,its up to the members to decide whether they want to be a paying member or not,but the Tech n Performance Section should be open to all b'cos alot of members contributed to that section meaning to say it belongs to all.You pay membership for privileges that non paying one have no access to,like if u have a club House,u need to be a member to enter the premises,AGM meeting,annual dinner,certain BMW function etc but not the forum lah.;) PEACE

..but the scenario here is the Forum is the 'club house', since we just started and we do not yet have the funds to go to that direction YET, this is our 'Club House', however with everybodies support its not impossible to one day have our very own made of bricks Club House.

Anyway no problem tchdaniel, like we have said after all this we are trying to work out a win win situation for all but I think Innovator's innovation about pay per use is quite interesting, only whether it can be applied through this software that this site is being run on.
ayoooo still not finish arrr? 1st page until last page all repeating and repeating same words.
Hello!!!! fee also dont want to pay....all want free, can log in also good enuff lar. Which section they want to private up to them larrr....talk so much mouth also smelly bro.

Relax bro Mont-o, patience is virtue...but this last few pages at least can see some difference lah...hopefully after go round the round about we can reach the highway.
My views and suggestions...

Tom, Club Advisors, Committee Members, Moderators, Paid Members, Regular Members, fellow forumers and all others (which includes visitors),

These suggestions were made in consideration of the two distinct platforms that we are now in, one, the forum which exist in the virtual world, the other, the club which is in the real world. ‘Worlds’ apart, but yet intertwined together – with microchips and wires:flesh and blood. Fused together with what I would call ‘FEELINGS’.

With due respect to all of you, I would like to put forth my suggestions herein.

For the BMW Club Malaysia Forum (the virtual world ‘club’):
  • Current forum members will have the full access rights to the forum, et infinitas – i.e. for as long as they remain active in the forum and their id’s are not rendered as dormant by the forum system parameters.
  • Have a cut-off date, after which new forum members who register to the forum after this cut-off date would only have limited access to the forum (these would be non-paying and NOT the registered and paying BMW Club Malaysia members).
  • Registered and paying BMW Club Malaysia members will be given full access rights to the BMW Club Malaysia Forum.
  • There would be NO VOTING rights or privileges to members of the BMW Club Malaysia Forum (you must remember these are two distinct platforms – being a member or net-citizen in a virtual world, you DO NOT have rights to the REAL WORLD, unless you are Tron himself).

For the BMW Club Malaysia (the real world club):
  • Newly registered and paying BMW Club Malaysia members will be given full access to the BMW Club Malaysia Forum.
  • Those who have previously registered themselves in the forum (and their ids are not dormant) and are now registering to BMW Club Malaysia will get to continue to use their forum call-sign.
  • Newly registered members to the BMW Club Malaysia who are not previous members of the forum will be given a call-sign of their choice if that chosen call-sign has not been used, else they will have to choose one that is not already used in the forum.
  • As this is the ‘real world club’, ONLY registered members to the BMW Club Malaysia will have the privilege to enjoy all and any of the real world benefits such as the club activities i.e. Annual Dinner, Car Clinics, Track Days, Product Discounts, entry to the real brick and mortar clubhouse that I hope would one day materialize etc.
  • AND of course the PRIVILEGE TO VOTE and/or STAND FOR OFFICE.

There will always be some loopholes and weakness to the above suggestions, I believe, but together with all of your constructive inputs, comments and suggestions, a strong and solid conclusion to end this debacle would be in sight. Lets all work together to make this happen.

I had posted a question on my leaking rear axle in the 3 seies forum this evening. I got back from dinner and couldnt find my post. First I thought it was deleted.

Now I realised it has been towed to the General Tech Forum which guess what, is closed to non members.

This is exactly the problem I was trying to tell u guys would happen. Since I hv no access to the tech thread, u might as well delete my query. In the process why dont u just ban all non members from posting any queries on this forum. Isnt that ur final goal?

Believe me when I say that closing down the forum to the public is the begining of the end of this club as without the forum there will be no club. What use is a forum which only caters for 200 so members.

More and more members of the public will be forced to shy away from the forum if they are not able to put forth queries that they have or not be able to read answers to their queries.( unless my post has been singled out bcos of my opposition to this forum becoming closed to the public)

Personally I have no problem. I am a member of more that 10 other foreign forums and they are all free.

In Msia I hv been loyal to this forum but obviously non club members are no longer welcome here.

Anyways, to all the friends I made here and previously from Chester's club I believe, I thank you. It has been wonderful knowing you.

Its sorry that it has to end this way but unfortunately that is the direction present committee in their "wisdom" have chosen.

I hope that a new committee will be elected soon whom appreciates the benefits of have a forum open to the public.

Until then I guess people like me will slowly whither away and with it the following of this wonderful forum will diminish to an insignificant number.
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