What Problems Have You had with your BMW?

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Club Guest
Dec 25, 2007
HiWHen I was reading another thread many ppl said they their BMW's cost lots to maintain and some have many problems, so just wondering what problems in particularWhen I had my E46Ci, the only problems I had were the ignition coils going once or twice. Just wondering what other problems people have had, that make their BMW so expensive to maintin. At lease if we have a list of common faults here we can look them up if anyhappen to our carsSo to start off1. Ignition CoilsAnyone else?Thanks
I think there is a thread on E46 for maintenance and problems. I'm driving an E46 Ci as well but it has more problems than my former ride, a Z3. Most of the problems I have is with the wheel - lower armbush, discs, caliper, pads and etc... Not much problem with the engine though. Electrical seems to be causing quite a problem as of late but minor repairs and costs so it's all good.
Hey Bix
APologies wasnt aware there was such a thread, but thanks for sharing that bit of info
No worries. I didn't know it either until I browsed through the specific models. What are you driving now?
Some can buy a bimmer but cant maintain one, so theres a lot of complain owning a bimmer is expensive

just my 2 cents
Bix;279984 said:
No worries. I didn't know it either until I browsed through the specific models. What are you driving now?

I just sold my 318Ci

Then moved back to Sabah. Once I know if I am staying here in Sabah or not, I will be on the hunt for a car, an E46 M3 if all goes well.
What about you?
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