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Daniel, I noticed my E46 is about the same age as yours and I certainly understand and share your frustration. However, your diatribe of BMW Malaysia via this forum is quite inappropriate and poorly expressed in the sense that while we should raise our complaints here, we should not seek to antagonise.

Firstly, it is a known fact that BMW Malaysia (particularly ze Germans) has been tangibly supportive of our Club and the forum. Perhaps, you and others have not experienced their involvement but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I don't blame you cos just the other day, I was looking for some write-ups on the Club's history and diary of past events in this website but somehow such important records are nowhere to be found which was not always the case in the old forum. I think the numerous write-ups and records of events that were tediously done should have been noted in the website for everyone's benefit, particularly visitors.

I would agree with you that Auto Bavaria has done a very poor job in their aftersales department. This forum has certainly highlighted this on numerous occasions. BMW has sought to redress this by opening the franchise to other players. By creating a plaform for competition, it is hoped that standards will improve. However, you must appreciate that the process can be quite slow and this is not solely the fault of BMW. It's tough to break a monopoly, particularly a government linked and sanctioned monopoly.

I also agree that the Club, in order to be more meaningful and relevant should codify the various complaints that have been made here and establish a proper channel to effectively communicate these complaints to those who can make a difference. This should be one of the Club's main objectives, not just organising official TTs. The Club has had 4 years to evolve, it's time "move our butt". If such a system had been in placed, I suppose Daniel wouldn't have resorted to such fulmination.

Nevertheless, I think we should not crucify BMW (or BMW Malaysia) for the sad state of affairs created by the downline they are yet to fully control. Having kept abreast of BMW's involvement in Malaysia for the last couple of years, I know they're trying very hard to make things better. They are on our side! Daniel, it's too long to explain it all here but if you can pm me your tel no., I would luv to share my thoughts further.

Marco, I also understand your views and have in fact discussed this with some fellas privately. The recent imposition of restrictions has got nothing to do with BMW Malaysia but grievances raised by fellow members.
Dear All,

Fact 1: BMW club Malaysia has got not ties or communication with Auto Bavaria.

Fact 2: This club answers to the International Council of BMW Clubs which is a department within BMW AG

Fact 3: BMW Malaysia is not here to hold our hands or to provide us with product feedback and services. Their primary role is to support the club, it's vision and activities.

This club was formed on the basis of bringing togethr people that have one common interest: love of BMWs. We are here to share our experiences and knowledge on BMWs, regardless of race, creed or religion.

If any club/forum member should have any problems they can contact the customer service department at either ab OR BMW Malaysia. We never have or ever will be in a position to function in this capacity.

I hope this lays the matter at hand to rest.
Originally posted by kevster30@Jun 28 2006, 03:30 PM
Dear All,

Fact 1: BMW club Malaysia has got not ties or communication with Auto Bavaria.

Fact 2: This club answers to the International Council of BMW Clubs which is a department within BMW AG

Fact 3: BMW Malaysia is not here to hold our hands or to provide us with product feedback and services. Their primary role is to support the club, it's vision and activities.

This club was formed on the basis of bringing togethr people that have one common interest: love of BMWs. We are here to share our experiences and knowledge on BMWs, regardless of race, creed or religion.

If any club/forum member should have any problems they can contact the customer service department at either ab OR BMW Malaysia. We never have or ever will be in a position to function in this capacity.

I hope this lays the matter at hand to rest.
Kevs, thanks for pointing out the facts and your vision for the Club, which as I recall is a founding cornerstone of why and what we are doing here. I do hope though that this Club will someday become such a strong and unified community of BMW owners that our views will matter to all purveyors of the BMW brand, be it BMW AG, BMW Malaysia, Auto Bavaria or any future franchisee. Once this is achieved, we can rightfully point out the shortcomings and even be part of the solution. I once said to someone in BMW that the best people to sell their cars are not their sales people, no matter how short their skirts or white their smiles, but their CUSTOMERS. Hence, we are a vital component in helping to make BMW a success in Malaysia, provided we can present our case in a compelling, relevant, meaningful and professional manner. Until then, you're right, the correct tree to bark at would be the aftersales departments of Auto Bavaria or wherever you got your car. I've helped and advised some forummers previously with drafting of correspondences etc which I don't mind extending to any of you who feels terribly and legitimately aggrieved. Just my 2 rupees!
write letters? been there, done that.

guess i forgot to mention i did write letters to AB about my Control Arms. My letter stressed my concern of the approval & refund of the pre-paid parts. NEVER did i get a reply from AB.
I think if you put Dato title infront of ur name sure got reply.
They are so double standard!
yyeah man, to the point if it wasn't the 'budget' 3series i would be getting better service. Imagine if i had the current 760il! or a M6.

then things would definately be different.

Quite a let down, considering that they portray themselves to be of a class about the avarage.
Originally posted by portse7en@Jun 30 2006, 09:20 AM
I think if you put Dato title infront of ur name sure got reply.
They are so double standard!
Originally posted by scin@Jun 27 2006, 11:49 PM
The govenrment tax is crap!
Road tax is crap!
AB is crap!
BMW Malaysia is crap!

FYI a 993 Targa can be had for 275k now.
a 964 cabrio was going for 165k
Just face it man..when it comes to cars, we were born in the wrong part of the world. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Originally posted by Daniel@Jun 30 2006, 11:11 AM
yyeah man, to the point if it wasn't the 'budget' 3series i would be getting better service. Imagine if i had the current 760il! or a M6.

then things would definately be different.

Quite a let down, considering that they portray themselves to be of a class about the avarage.
for them to reply you must get a law firm to write a letter of demand. I guarantee that you will have your reply. Any other letters will just be considered as complaints from petty customers.
My comment: (Dont tembak)

I think what had been left thru out these years should not be revised.

Meaning: The tax structure should remain the same.

Advantage: Yes, you get cheaper cars.

My point: Do you happy when the New RM 150,000 E90 you are buying will only sell for a RM 20,000.00 only after a few years usage or you scrap your newly bought Waja without even getting a sen after only 5 years usage as in some developed countries?

Just be grateful you still can sell your E30, E34 and E36 for quite a price rather than scrap it.

Conclusion: I think a lot of forummer here will be unhappy of the tax change (eg: you buy E60 or E90 or eventhe 1 series, one year usage, you lost a lot)

only my 2 pence. TQ
I guess the question we are asking ourself is does GA cloth last longer than say, dockers. The answer is abvious.

We buy BMW not for it's reliabilities but for it's sexy look, superb handling, and for the name BMW. Most important of all, it's a passion about cars, otherwise we would have gotten a myvi or even a camry.

So let's not drill on the reliabilites as it's not the reason we bought the car for.

Let's ask ourself this question, do you think camry will be as relable as it is now if the drivers drive like the BMW driver?
Originally posted by daan@Jul 1 2006, 05:31 PM
I guess the question we are asking ourself is does GA cloth last longer than say, dockers. The answer is abvious.

We buy BMW not for it's reliabilities but for it's sexy look, superb handling, and for the name BMW. Most important of all, it's a passion about cars, otherwise we would have gotten a myvi or even a camry.

So let's not drill on the reliabilites as it's not the reason we bought the car for.

Let's ask ourself this question, do you think camry will be as relable as it is now if the drivers drive like the BMW driver?
very good point. ;)
Originally posted by daan@Jul 1 2006, 05:31 PM
I guess the question we are asking ourself is does GA cloth last longer than say, dockers. The answer is abvious.

We buy BMW not for it's reliabilities but for it's sexy look, superb handling, and for the name BMW. Most important of all, it's a passion about cars, otherwise we would have gotten a myvi or even a camry.

So let's not drill on the reliabilites as it's not the reason we bought the car for.

Let's ask ourself this question, do you think camry will be as relable as it is now if the drivers drive like the BMW driver?
so you're saying that you would fork out the excess (say RM438,000 for a E90 330i) for a, i quote "sexy look, superb handling" car without the care if it would be realiable or not? Are you smoking something?

so you wouldn't mind if it would break down every other day & costs another RM20,000 a year just to keep it running, so that you could have a sexy looking and superb handling car?

If i had RM438,000 i would rather get a 996 which would be ten times sexier with much better handling than any BMW, while being more realiable.

If i am not mistaken, BMW does participate in the Le Mans 24h, and why? to prove that their cars are realiable.

And to compare a equally driven Toyota Camry against a BMW, its like comparing Chateau Mouton Rothschild against a RM100 bottle of cheap Lambrusco. Last time i checked, a BMW (a E90 318) could buy 2 or more Camrys.
Daan, I agreed with what you say here..we buy BMW because we love BMW...& we are the Passion lot abt Cars. one thing most important "superb handing" why I say this, my first E36 I have use give me that confident..there is sometime ago when I was attending friend funeral & has been late to the place(some place very far with lots of twisty road & narrow road, I drive the car near till the limits, that is where the handling really shine..."No Fear" is the word to describe tht experience..When come to reliabilities...everything will break down eventually when it is due time..that is something we all can't avoid.
Originally posted by fire@Jul 1 2006, 10:05 PM
Daan, I agreed with what you say here..we buy BMW because we love BMW...& we are the Passion lot abt Cars. one thing most important "superb handing" why I say this, my first E36 I have use give me that confident..there is sometime ago when I was attending friend funeral & has been late to the place(some place very far with lots of twisty road & narrow road, I drive the car near till the limits, that is where the handling really shine..."No Fear" is the word to describe tht experience..When come to reliabilities...everything will break down eventually when it is due time..that is something we all can't avoid.

That is something else, speeding to a funeral.................

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