What is the first responce when people see drive a BMW

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Apiz;667022 said:
Must be your father's car!

Playboy ini budak !

Mesti jual dadah ni! or bapak ayam!

Sekali servis minyak hitam berapa?

Rich la u !

Banyak main women =_=''

Kena nombor ker?

this is some of the reaction that i got.

Mesti jual dadah ni! or bapak ayam!- i dont know why people always linked BMW's owner to underground biz
herbert;565547 said:
...bimmer + $$$ = girl converted to wife lah...like that also want to ask??

This may be dangerous, not sure she is after the BMW, the $$$ or the driver .... ke ke

bimmer + $$$ = girl converted to girl friend is better...
Gath raya alumni sekolah... Semua datang sambut bila keluar kete... Jd popular terus...
razali;668741 said:
Gath raya alumni sekolah... Semua datang sambut bila keluar kete... Jd popular terus...

people need some guts to own this roundel thing bro..i guess you are the chosen one..hehe..
Egon-E39;276980 said:
somehow...when you see a BMW pass by we will always try to look at the driver's face.....just to check whether that face is qualified to drive BMWs kah kah kah

agreed with you lorrr!!
" why u got BMW, you're too young laaa "

" how much u pay monthly arr? "

" you married ar, i got daughter for you" (aisey aunty, why like that........ )

" wah, two door sumore, sure playboy one, dont want children! " (aiyo, like that ar?)
louiswaw;669484 said:
Driving BMW = Bring More Wealth...We must be proud of the bimmer we drive.

ha ha, but before any wealth comes in (if any) , we all prepared to bleed the wallet!
nice ones.haahha..
lol at the office now.different people different experience.
for me myself,when people ask,i keep telling them those cars were rent car.. :p

but later on,they know.haha.

"why dont u buy a later version?suit u best" :40: with my shorts n selipar.haa.i think e46 look good enough for me. :)
When some one see you drives a BMW, the first come in mind is that you got promoted...especially when your monthly salary is way less than theirs... We buy buy these UDM is because... We wanted to have the best... Doesn't matter old models or the latest most people impression are we are loaded! Just because they don't dare to drive one.. Jealous..
From a pretty lady: "Nice car....."
From another pretty lady:"OMG....."
From and old friend:"Bro, pick me up from the airport..."
From a relative:"I thot you'll get the hummer....."
From my brother:"Yo.....can outrun a GTR kah?"
From a small time CEO:"Engineer only can buy bimmer arrrr???" (sorry bro, but this one makes more than you lor...hahah)

whatever the responses are or whatever the reasons are when you buy a bimmer, it jus shows you've got guts
safuanorsham;672888 said:
people will say: BM lame je pon. keta aku lg mahal.

Lol. that 1 is epic.

I got 1 from a Uni friend, "mana aci die bleh pakai BM, tak aci, tak aci..." and he keeps saying tak aci when he knew mine is in white lol
subraputra;675614 said:
If I saw UDM In my mind I just say one day I must own on of this car:cool:

Hi subra, i believe you have one stored in yr garage now....BTW, u need to self introduce first and tell us more bout yrself as per forum rules and regulations..
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