No more guesswork
Since the subject of fuel has come up again, I'll share the results of the test I've done in the last few months. I filled with 3 consecutive tankfuls of each Shell fuel and recorded the distance travelled. My car is the 6-cyl 325i Sports. Only urban cycle (city and city highway) was recorded, and any outstation trips in between were excluded. The figs are very accurate as they were taken from full tank to full tank. The results are quite telling:
ULG 95: 1,100km - 153.0lit - RM275 - 13.9lit/100km - RM0.25 per km
ULG97: 1,071km - 151.5lit - RM310 - 14.1lit/100km - RM0.29 per km
VPower: 1,075km - 136.0lit - RM313 - 12.7lit/100km - RM0.29 per km
Conclusion - VPower is the clear winner in fuel consumption, but the economy is negated by the high cost. ULG95 is the clear winner in economy. ULG97 is the clear loser all round.
Using ULG95 didn't pose any problem, no knocking nor loss of power in urban driving. In fact, i didn't feel any difference among the 3 fuels in urban driving. I am continuing the 3 consecutive tankfuls test and will see the results when the cumulative distance is ~2,000km each.