oh by the way, the reason why smart tags cant go through v kool is cos the metal content in v kool. hence the high heat resistance. heat stops at the tint.
tints other than these technology will never be able to beat the resistance. even if it can, it's never as lasting. what they use is a type of powder (or so i was told, but i believe la). the effects of powder will wear off much faster.
the downside of v kool (vkool people admittingly say is ...) oxidization. cant run. but i used my previous v kool til it oxidised a little at the back but it was because the tint was cut into two pieces at the back. by the time it happened, the car was sold. not very noticable oso.
the smart tag still can go through but the positioning is important. the tint shop people knows how to place them. for some cars which has thicker windscreen or watever, the smart tag can go through, one option is to cut a little hole behind the rear mirror.
for mine, i had always been winding down my window (the previous installer did not know the placement. i learnt that some windows are broken because of smarttags (thieves targets). anyway, i tot smartags on windows makes my car look ugly (and very SINGAPOREAN!)
i am definitely a v kool guy. tot about tints long long long time ady. just don want to chance wif others. maybe they are good but when i analyze the market, these tints come and go (so not so convinced la) k-cool, inffratec, the list go on. when warranty come, that's it la.
worse still i have had a fren take out a whole tint that he paid RM1000 for. was boasting about who cheap and good it was. i cuden even remember the name!
watever the tint, once installed, you don wan to take out. it's just shitty!
there you go, my preference is clear ... but then again that's me la.
sure there are many satisfied rike cool people out there oso rite?