Dear All,I owned a 2000 528i, the car was performing superbly until I used it to climb Cameron Highland last CNY. Since then I had difficulty in starting the engine during cold mornings and acceleration was slow and delayed. I took it to AB Glenmarie to run computer check but found nothing; they changed my accelerator cable and serviced the air filter. The cold start and delayed acceleration problems persisted. When I sent my car to Ipoh Tian Siang, they found that one of the cylinders has low pressure and needed overhaul. The cost of overhaul is RM20K. I told them if I get it done, can they guarantee me the performance. They dared not give me the guarantee. My questions are :-1)What causes of cold start. (Well, actually some times after the warming up. It will happen if the engine is re-start, though not every time.)2)What causes delayed acceleration ? I tend to agree on the low pressure theory at the cylinder.3)Is RM20K a fair price for this type of overhaul ?4)I was told old mechanics can give better Engine Overhaul job than the present batch of in-experienced AB foreman, can somebody suggest another avenue for repair ?Thanks