Projet Function Pics Pt2

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Hahaha...XXX, you're so farnie! Nice pix.

Pssst......Can someone tell me what's in da goodie bag???? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Daredevil@Jun 17 2005, 09:16 AM
Hahaha...XXX, you're so farnie! Nice pix.

Pssst......Can someone tell me what's in da goodie bag???? :rolleyes: the goodie bag, just a bag, nothing else :eek:k:
Originally posted by jeffreyewe@Jun 17 2005, 09:19 AM the goodie bag, just a bag, nothing else :eek:k:
I don't believe you! :getyourfactsright:
Originally posted by Daredevil@Jun 17 2005, 04:53 AM
bmFIVE, pls tell which MINI belongs to whom? :p
Aisay............mine is the 2nd one from front (electric blue), after mine is loneranger's (met grey). I'm not sure of the names of the owners of the red one (1st) & the 2nd electric blue one (last). Can the owners identify themslelves?
the first red one belongs to Sideways' fren... The last blue belongs to Jyazid farny lah....

woi...i still got modelling k....see...u take pix oso mah!

goodie bag is with brochures and windscreen sticker to promote projet and a sling!
hey guys nice pics. :D !!!

I was there with my red E36, just went in to see u ppl cars... then drove off.

Pass by that place earlier time to drop off my friend to work, then went back there for abit busy body coz saw many UDMS... Wanted to ask whats going on... but saw u all having some sort of discussion. Then i left. :D !

Wish i can join u ppl hehehe!!! ;) !!!
oh so u were the one...fine e36 u have there....dun worry...we dun bite one!!!...join us lah next time!
Originally posted by mafia@Jun 17 2005, 02:39 PM
oh so u were the one...fine e36 u have there....dun worry...we dun bite one!!!...join us lah next time!
thanx dude!

Will keep myself update in the forum!

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