The Star Metro Pg. M56

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Dec 10, 2004
Anybody saw the Star Metro today (15/09/07) Page. M56 its Titled a thousand words where it has a picture of a woman taking a picture of a robot like thing made out off mufflers and exhaust pipes... Hellooo who are they kidding...the blardy phone the women is using is from the dinasour ages it does not have camera function ..I know bcos my mum also from the dinasour age and uses the same phone. What Im trying to say here is how can a newspaper bluff its readers like how can we believe all the pics in a newspaper....or have they been bullshitting us all this while..:stupid:
Wah lau XXX! The HP so small also you notice ah........... your eyes must be like Suparman.......:top:
I noticed that too... My wife also got the same phone.

Tipu punya newspaper! Good for advertisements only... :44:
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