Overheating Mystery

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Club Guest
Jan 18, 2005
Came back from Kuantan on Saturday. Going up the hill in front of Selesa Hill Farm just before the R&R Genting temperature gauge went up near the red marker. Had to stop before the entry to the R&R (before the Petronas Station). Open up no sign of smoke or hissing but notice sort of "angin" from the engine up (not sure from where its originated though). About 5 minutes, turn ignition, gauge drop, start the engine and drive to the Petronas pump for fuel. Start the car again and the temperature gauge came back to the centre and drive home. Later that night check the water level..no sign of water loss or anyting..:dontknow:. This is the second time happen to me. Last time going back from Penang, going up the hill before tunnel to Ipoh. The gauge when up but for a while only, between the middle and the red marker but it went down to the middle before the tunnel. Been driving the car Saturday, Sunday and today with no apparent fault on the temperature. What could be the problem ??? Any idea..mine is the 318 N46 2004.
sometime it could be an airlock trapped in the radiator system.

I presume that you open the bleeder cap when you top up the water for the radiator.
rad clog.. happened to me once.. flushed it no more.. cos when going up hill, engine will always be hotter,cos working harder.. so more heat...if the rad is okay, no issues..
jarance;604332 said:
sometime it could be an airlock trapped in the radiator system.

I presume that you open the bleeder cap when you top up the water for the radiator.

Yeap did just that.
there's fiber hose beneath the manifold.. check ur water tank regularly.. once or twice a week.. check ur expansion tank as well.. but i think it's most probably the fiber hose, coz u mentioned got angin sound.. its actually the sound of steaming water came out from the crack.. just my opinion.
chetz;605096 said:
there's fiber hose beneath the manifold.. check ur water tank regularly.. once or twice a week.. check ur expansion tank as well.. but i think it's most probably the fiber hose, coz u mentioned got angin sound.. its actually the sound of steaming water came out from the crack.. just my opinion.

Thks Chetz. But when I check the water tank, there seems to be no loss of water level.
the fiber hose? it's beneath the manifold.. i couldn't find the right diagram.. this is the closest that i found..

check item no 14 & 5 there could be a leakage there, the sounds that u hear might be steaming water dripping from the fiber hose..
how regular u top up your water tank?
The radiator do not regularly need to be top up. Could be once a mth or fortnightly, depends but not regularly. But will check as advice. Thanks
no problem..
my opinion.. there's a minor leakage.. experienced it once, it's only obvious for a long distance drive.. where i found water loss tremendously after the drive.. could be coz of the pressure & heat..
Got that problem before, flushed it totally (need to remove the whole radiator) and replaced one component that was leaking a bit. I posted it here before about it
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