Hi everyone! I am Jeffry from KL. Been following E46 forum some time but only recently registered as previously still not decided to commit to UDM. However, now have decided to take the plunge, no thanks to all the 'racun' from all the sifus
I have now committed by paying earnest deposit on a 2005 E46 325i (as advocated by many in the forum). However, I would like to request urgent advice on my impending purchase.. maybe I should have done so BEFORE making the deposit payment, but I was confident it was a good deal... but maybe if need be I am willing to sacrifice the deposit (2K) and consider it payment for a lesson learnt not to be impatient. Anyway, the story is like this: A couple of weeks ago, I found an advertisement from a used car dealer for a 2005, one owner, low mileage (90k+++km), local assembled 325i going for almost 80K (neg). I immediately went to see the car and apparently the dealer had just received it as he was in the midst of polishing, detailing the car. Having had no previous experience with UDMs, I took the forum advice and managed to contact Ah Meng of MSpeed USJ.. I made an appointment with him to check the car the next day which he agreed to. On the appointed time, we went together and he brought along his electronic tester and Laptop after which he proceeded to carry out a check on the car - bodywork and then engine check using electronic tester (dun know what it is called, but he just plugged it into the socket near the console and started the engine).. and was shocked when he told me that the actual mileage was not 90+++ km as claimed by the dealer AND shown on the digital readout but actually 170+++km i.e. the meter had been reset or changed to low mileage one. Another shocker was when Ah Meng told me that according to his computer readout, the engine was manufactured in 2004 as opposed to the registration card which showed 2005?? (dealer still adamant it was 2005 last model E46 325i local assembled). After that, I requested Ah Meng to do a test drive and he obliged, being very professional about it... On completion of the test drive, he told me that the car was OK overall and performance OK except he couldn't tell whether gearbox will have problems or not. However, I decided to check with JPJ on the history of registration since the car carrying relatively new plate... and surprise, surprise, was told by JPJ that actually the car had changed registration number twice (i.e current plate is the 3rd plate) and worse still had already had 3 owners... NOT 1 as claimed by dealer. Went back to adverts (on internet) and did a small analysis... not very surprised when I found that most of the dealer cars for sale invariably advertised ONE owner, LOW MILEAGE (always from 80+++km - 95+++km)...! Went back and discussed with Ah Meng and he told me for that price and year (even though 2004 and not 2005) it was OK to buy as the overall condition and performance was good. So now I would like to ask all the sifus opinion on what to do... on one hand, mechanic is confident it is a good buy, on the other hand I am worried that if dealer not honest on mileage and number of owners, what else could he be hiding? Also the most worrisome for me is the mileage i.e. 170+++ km - is it worth buying? Btw, the dealer agreed to knock off approx 2K from the advertised price and no more. Would really appreciate your feedback as I have a few days to decide while waiting for my loan to be approved... Thanks a lot and really look forward to discourse with you guys/gals in future.