Welcome to the club bro

... Do a search on SMG on the forum as it's been discussed many times before.
Anyway since it's CNY i'd give it a go hehehe, my advice is to take it to a reputable bmw mech or to any bmw dealership and have it check thoroughly.
Check for hydraulic leakage, since the clutch actuator is quite notorious for leakage. The leakage is due the rubber o-ring or rubber oil seal that is hardened up over time. The solution is to replace the oil seal and you're good to go. The damage would be RM650 (inc labour and installation of the oil seal) ... SMG hydraulic fluid would be Pentosin CHF11-S
Next what is the mileage of the car??? You need to consider your flywheel and clutch, as it designed to last around 100-140 thousand km with normal use. Replacing the clutch would cost around 2k (inc installation) but am not sure about the flywheel price.
Do check if the car have a service history, if have then check when was the last oil change for the gearbox and axle oil. Recommended oil to use BMW MTF-LT2 or Redline MTL for the gearbox and for the axle oil do use Redline's gear oil 75W-90... SMG cars have a manual gearbox so it is very reliable and can easily take more power if you wish to supercharge the car in the future
Do check your bushings as BMW's are famous for it ... It's the staple diet of BMW cars.
Next check your cooling system i.e. expansion tank, radiator, hoses, thermostat and etc ... An overhaul or replacement of parts may be necessary.
All in all, do keep around RM 5 - 8k just in case for repairs and maintenance.
There are a few things that i missed but your mech should cover it and know what to check for.
SMG cars are quite manja (compared to other BMW's) and it is not smooth like an auto but what it lacks definitely makes up for it in the fun factor and wow factor.
Like i mentioned earlier please use the search function on the forum there's a few threads on SMG and don't forget to post pic of your ride in the showroom section