My first mod on my 11 yrs old Babe...

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DIY Diffuser

DIY for diffuser done. After this, I'll do the DIY for my arm rest.
Will post the pics, then....

7) Closer view

8) Different angle for the closer view... The End
lepat;482131 said:
nice...lining pintu bila nk beli lak...

Bro lepat, aku nak kumpul duit dulu baru boleh beli another part... kekekek... :top:
Nanti pening kepala kalau beli sekaligus... :rolleyes:
DIY My arm rest...

Hi Bros, here some DIY updates for my arm rest. I took about 3 hrs plus
to fixed it into my car, feel too fatigue but i'm happy with the results.
Happy viewing...

Previous console without the armrest

Step1: Loosen the 3 screws at the back of the console

3rd screw taken out

Step 2: Took off the handbrake holder

Step 3: Unclip the handbrake cover

More pics after this... :wink:
Naked handbrake... kekekek... :rolleyes:

Step 4: One hidden screw underneath, so need to pull out the hazard


Using cloth to avoid scratches, be soft & gentle to pull out the button

Hazard button took off

Step 5: Loosen the hidden screw

azam318;482120 said:
Thanks Bro enkil, that e46 arm rest I've bought it from the one of the forumer here.

So, bila nak lepak Ampang TT lagi?

Ada kelapangan bolehhhhhhhh!:top:
Step 6: The console can be pull out

Clear view

Too many sampah lar... :eek:

Since console gone oledy, so can can do vacuum... :rolleyes:

Now this one up for sale... cheap cheap one... heheheh... :wink:
Step 7: Try to adjust the arm rest for better measurement

Step 8: Need to dismantle the arm rest

Separate into 3 pieces, the arm rest got 3 holes

Try to find the 3rd hole, its hiding on the left side under the cover, another
2 screws, can be used the handbrake's screws, located on the right side.


Step 9: Again, try to adjust the best measurement for the arm rest.

To be Continue... :wink:
Good DIY:top: Where u got those panel wt cup holder & how much? Thinking to get one for my E46. Wanna exchange arr hahaha?
initialM;482396 said:
Good DIY:top: Where u got those panel wt cup holder & how much? Thinking to get one for my E46. Wanna exchange arr hahaha?

Bro initialM, I bought the arm rest from one of the forumer here.
Exchange arr... boleh...boleh no problem... heheheh... :rolleyes:
Step 10: Old bracket need to pull out, its not fit to the arm rest

Old bracket

Old screw too short to tighten the armrest's bracket, so need to replace
the long screw.


I bought the screw & washer at hardware shop RM1.50 for 3 pcs.
Need to use washer to hold the armrest's bracket.

Unused small lamp connector (located at previous console)

Sealed the unused item, keep it at save & sound place.
Cayalah azam DIY lagi, kalau aku rasanya bukak boleh pasang mesti huru-hara jadinya (bukan armrest lagi RIP jelah benda tu)
Wahh...bravo to yo Bro Azam :top: very infomative

Thinking to install those e46 centre console also...boleh la assist me nnt bro...:rolleyes:
kayz;482558 said:
Cayalah azam DIY lagi, kalau aku rasanya bukak boleh pasang mesti huru-hara jadinya (bukan armrest lagi RIP jelah benda tu)

Thanks Bro kayz, aku just try & error aje... nasib baik menjadi... :top:
Tapi letih jugak lar melayan nye... bak kata metallica pun "no pain no gain"
SpeedaddicT;482639 said:
Wahh...bravo to yo Bro Azam :top: very infomative

Thinking to install those e46 centre console also...boleh la assist me nnt bro...:rolleyes:

Thanks Bro SpeedaddicT, need me to assist you, boleh no problem... :wink:
Step 11: Tighten the front screw.

If you noticed that, the hole has free play, so you can adjust the
armrest's bracket either forward or backward to seat properly


The armrest can't seat proper due to got obstacle on the sponge cover
on the left side

This part is really hard to do, i had spent a lots of time to have a good measurement to fit in the console.

Step 12: On the console, cut the unnecessary thing - 1st attempt

Due to 1st attempt failed to fit in, so I need to cut for the 2nd time

Step 13: After cutting done, i'm using a file to have the smooth surface

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