m52b28 end of life

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Club Guest
Dec 10, 2004
ok folks.my engine has reached the end of it's usefull life @ 230k miles.
after having hi oil consumption @ 1 litre every 1k km for the past almost 1 year,the engine has decided to give up.
after a spirited heavy right foot drive ie 6k rpm every gear change...the engine suddenly felt powerless and tailpipe emitting smoke worse than a neglected diesel engine.
compression test revealed #6 chamber with zero compression!upon disassembly the #6 piston crown was found chipped(WTF)!

old cylinder head

'new' cylinder head and block

The transplant to a used engine is wip at Optimum Auto under mechanic firdhaus' expert hands with ah fai's supervision.
The 'new' engine also has the front and rear seals,oil sump cover gasket,vlv cover gasket,vanos rubber ring replaced.water pump too.
The engine mount also looked bad and will be replaced,together with the prop shaft guibo and center support bearing.

wow...this will all add up to many many RMs.....

can't wait for my baby to come alive again with a new lease of life....
Sorry to hear about your old engine... that's actually quite a low mileage for it to die... any preventive things that you can advise? My E36 is at 227K, E39 at 305K
bro cyne....
230k miles = 368k kms

well yes it is relatively low.i've read in forums that some has done as far as 300k miles.....

prevention = baby the engine...don't go past 110km/h and press the accelerator with your left foot......NOT!

he he he...donno lah bro....it happens....just like us humans.....when it's time...we go....
Hi Moots,
The old engine looks bad and its time is up. Hope you car will get a new lease of life.
Did you get an engine kosong ? How much did you pay for it and how much is the labour cost to install it ? Is there any way of finding out the mileage of the engine you had just purchased ?
tckhor said:
Hi Moots,
The old engine looks bad and its time is up. Hope you car will get a new lease of life.
Did you get an engine kosong ? How much did you pay for it and how much is the labour cost to install it ? Is there any way of finding out the mileage of the engine you had just purchased ?
hi bro,
yup engine kosong.well i have not paid for it ....yet,as teh car is still in the shop.called the shop today and was told that the engine was started today and running fine.they will let it cool and see how it behaves tomorrow.they will also take it for a long drive to test the durability.
was quoted circa rm7k all in....but minus the coolant hoses that might require replacement based on condition.

if we buy a halfcut,we may be able to tell the mileage done.but if the engine is on the floor....no way to tell.
best bet it to let them open up the valve cover and do a physical inspection of the cylinder head ie cam lobes,timing chain,color,sludge etc...but to really determine the condition of the engine block and rings...kenot lah unless you open up everything...but that will void the warranty.......
sorry to hear that...generally the M52 is quite strong

i am at 368k kms now

dont even remember when i did a full overhaul...must be more than 4 years back
ok got my car back today.
very smooth engine and idle in N or D is also smooth which I think is how it shud be.perhaps my former engine was that bad.
after driving my 6 year old Livina for the past 2 weeks,my 17 year old bimmer felt veeeery smooth with a silky ride.mannn i missed driving this car.

temp is dead center.however upon reaching home i noticed that the viscous coupled fan is clutched hence the roaring sound when the accelerator is pressed.idled at 3k rpm for 1 minute but the fan did not de-clutch like how it previously does after about 20 secs.(previous was BEHR,new is SACHS)hmmm.maybe the bugger is new and needs time to settle down.we shall see...

the first thing i checked when i reached the workshop to collect the car was to remove the vent hose on top of the valve cover with the engine running.phew....no smoke.for info my old engine blows smoke from the vlv cover like a train.the new engine not only does not emit smoke but it hardly produces any gases from there meaning minimum blo by gases meaning a tight engine. :rock:
now the pain:
engine rm 5,450
remove n change engine rm1,500
(this involves changing vlv cover gasket,vanos seals,oil sump gasket,flywheel oil seal,crank shaft oil seal,oil filter housing gasket)

the following was also replaced for good measure:
1.water pump
3.fan clutch
4.both a/c n fan belt tensioner bearing
5.fan belt
6.water pump pulley
7.exhaust manifold n exhaust pipe gasket

the following was also replaced coz they were in bad condition:
1.accelerator cable (weeeee...now my gas pedal is as light as my Livina)
2.center support bearing (the rubber part torn)
3.propshaft rubber coupling(guibo) (almost shredded)
4.both engine mounts (torn)

i shall not disclose the parts prices as optimum auto tend to mark up the price quite a bit.

verdict : satisfied with the service by optimum auto.ah fai is patient in attending to my queries over the phone on the progress of my car.

heck...i feel like taking a drive right now.i think i will..................
moots said:
temp is dead center.however upon reaching home i noticed that the viscous coupled fan is clutched hence the roaring sound when the accelerator is pressed.idled at 3k rpm for 1 minute but the fan did not de-clutch like how it previously does after about 20 secs.(previous was BEHR,new is SACHS)hmmm.maybe the bugger is new and needs time to settle down.we shall see...

ok started the engine this morning and whoosh the roar of the fan greeted me....with a stone cold engine.not good.so shut it off,got my daughter to re-start whilst i hold on to the fan blade.ok managed to hold on to the fan whilst it spins freely for about a minute and i let it go....whoosh it becomes clutched again.hmmm,ok maybe its still a virgin.

so i rig out a string,tied the fan so it cannot spin and re-started the engine.i let it run for about 3 minutes and stop the engine.by now the engine has some heat to it already .
i restarted and let it run up to the operating temp....and finally the whoosh sound subsided ...sign of the fan de-clutching.wahooo...

let the engine idle till it warms up enough for the fan to re-clutch again after which i rev the engine to 2k rpm until it de-clutches again...after approx 30 secs....phew,,,at last...this is how the viscous fan shud work.

plse note that a spinnng fan is dangerous.if you don't know what you are doing....don't.they don't sell replacement fingers at the parts shop!
moots said:
plse note that a spinnng fan is dangerous.if you don't know what you are doing....don't.they don't sell replacement fingers at the parts shop!
He..he..good one! :rock:
hi there,

need some advice lately at low speed i find that my ride is pinking tried switching petrol brands still the same.
i have changed my fuel pump,all 6 coil packs, and plugs, fuel filer milage reaching 200k.

no white or bluish smoke , is it my knock sensor or cam sensor?????????

Any one here faced teh same problem.

Is your 2nd hand engine a single or double vanos ?
Congratulations for getting a pretty tight engine with no blow-by gases.
Is there anyway to tell the origin of the engine i.e. from Europe, Japan, etc ?
congratulations bro! glad to see that she's back.

one question, is the temperature needle always has to be at the center when driving because mine normally is slightly more than a half temperature, like 2 or 3 degree more.
siva@e39 said:
hi there,

need some advice lately at low speed i find that my ride is pinking tried switching petrol brands still the same.
i have changed my fuel pump,all 6 coil packs, and plugs, fuel filer milage reaching 200k.

no white or bluish smoke , is it my knock sensor or cam sensor?????????

Any one here faced teh same problem.

for our cars pinking normally is caused by bad fuel.change to yet another brand and at another petrol station?
and yes you can try the knock sensor as well.have you plugged in the diagnostic readout?that can tell you a lot of things.

tckhor said:
Is your 2nd hand engine a single or double vanos ?
Congratulations for getting a pretty tight engine with no blow-by gases.
Is there anyway to tell the origin of the engine i.e. from Europe, Japan, etc ?
single vanos bro.
the customs form will tell the engine origin...mine from Japan...

huskar3399 said:
congratulations bro! glad to see that she's back.

one question, is the temperature needle always has to be at the center when driving because mine normally is slightly more than a half temperature, like 2 or 3 degree more.
temp needle in my e28 slightly below mid mark...my e30 between 1/4 and mid mark..my e34 right smack in the mid mark and so is my current e39....i wud check the thermostat for binding and the rating.maybe on the hot side?
I was wondering whether the M52TU (double vanos) can fit in. Is it possible to go along this line or are there other limitations preventing the fitment of an M52TU engine ?
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