kelvinjb... tolong kembalikan wang saya!

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Sad to hear.. Wish that con man response to you after this otherwise just make a police report and create some hassle for him...
MagnetiC;554112 said:
Hello friends,i'm newbie here........just wanna share with you guys,

Pada bulan lepas,dalam 30hb Julai 2010,saya ada membuat urusniaga dengan saudara yang menggelarkan dirinya 'kelvinjb' atau nama sebenarnya TAN KAR BOON yang menetap di Johor Bharu.

Ia berkenaan pembelian rims M-Style 193 yang hendak dijual olehnya dalam thread 'rim'.Agak malang bagi saya,sehingga ke hari ini saya belum lagi menerima rim tersebut setelah pembayaran sebanyak RM3150.00 telah dibuat ke dalam akaunnya.

Saya tidak pernah diberitahu sebarang alasan diatas kelewatan penghantaran rim tersebut,tidak ada alasan yang munasabah diberikan olehnya melainkan menyuruh saya agar terus MENUNGGU.....

Setelah hampir 3 minggu menunggu,akhirnya pada hari ini saya telah menelefon beliau dan meminta agar wang RM3150.00 saya dikembalikan ke dlm akaun saya.Namun begitu beliau tidak/enggan berbuat demikian dengan alasan tidak mempunyai wang.

Saya rasa bahawa kelvinjb memang berniat MENIPU saya dari awal,kalau betul dia menjalankan bisnes dengan jujur dan telus kenapa wang saya tidak dikembalikan?Dan selepas saya menuntut agar wang saya dikembalikan hari ini,phone dan sms dari saya kepada saudara kelvinjb sudah tidak dibalas.

Saya datang dari keluarga yang sederhana,RM3150.00 tu adalah wang hasil simpanan saya yang memang berniat untuk membeli rim baru untuk kereta e46 buruk yang baru saya pakai 6 bulan.

Saya MEMOHON kepada kelvinjb atau rakan2 sekalian yang mengenalinya agar tampil ke ruangan ini bagi memberi PENJELASAN atau apa2 pandangan macamana mahu selesaikan perkara ini.

Dan buat saudara kelvinjb@Tan Kar Boon...saya ingin bertanya :-

1) Adakah anda berniat hendak menipu kepada umum dalam menjual rim tersebut?
2) Adakah benar anda memiliki rim tersebut untuk dijual?
3) Kenapa tak dipulangkan sahaja wang saya?
.........sila bagi penjelasan kepada saya......

Saya adalah newbie dlm forum ni,namun begitu saya dah pernah 2-3 kali berurusan dalam pembelian barang2 parts dalam thread 'for sale' sebelum ni dan tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah,dan saya tidak sangka bahawa urusan saya dengan kelvinjb yg mempunyai 190++ POST dan boleh dianggap senior boleh jadi macam ni.

Saya juga harap pihak admin mengkaji semula dan mengulas...adakah peraturan yang mengatakan 10 post minimun sebelum seseorang forumer dpt mengiklankan barangan untuk dijual boleh digunapakai ataupun sekadar peraturan sahaja.

Untuk saudara kelvinjb,saya amat berharap agar perkara/masalah ini dapat diselesaikan secara berhemah,saya juga berharap agar kejadian sebegini tidak lagi berulang dimasa akan datang.


Sorry the hear about your troubles bro.. hope you'll get your money back.
Magnetic, Don't wait anymore, just lodge a police report now. The bugger won't feel sorry for you wan ! !
Thank you guys...

I think i'm going to make police report in nearest time........just got PM from bro Daedalus (our member from Sabah),he also got the same problem with me,he also bought the same rims and now kelvinjb cannot be contacted.

I think this loser kelvinjb makes money by cheating people in this forum.
initialM;554117 said:
To Bro Kelvinjb,

Kindly answer the enquiry here. I think you know me & I know where's yr shop & house. RM3k a lot of money & please be a gentleman. Thanks.:love:

Bro Initial M,

Would you do sumthing?i mean...try to talk with him....manalah tahu boleh dapat balik wang kami tuu...6k banyak tuuuuu....kita kawtim lah kemudian.hahahaha:marchmellow:
MagnetiC;554498 said:
Thank you guys...

I think i'm going to make police report in nearest time........just got PM from bro Daedalus (our member from Sabah),he also got the same problem with me,he also bought the same rims and now kelvinjb cannot be contacted.

I think this loser kelvinjb makes money by cheating people in this forum.

Just for your info;
I did ask tis guy on the thread whether the rim still available or not on 31/07/2001 as u see from the forum. But then tis fellow did replied me on private msg YES still with him
Which date of u 2 bro they confirm the dealing with tis guy ?
So that we can confirm his cheating intention.
looks like this guy is a certified conman.... anyway to dig out more info about him? Address and etc....
Mods, please delete kelvinjb post to sell the rims mentioned and also other post. suggest to also ban his nick until he is able to clarify on his part re this issue and to settle amicably to the satisfaction of all parties.
if we don't delete the post more and more people will get conned. delete first is mu suggestion and once the investigation is over than can put up the post again.

of course, kelvinjb can always come up with a new nick so again, buyers should be careful when buying items from total strangers.

maybe a system can be implemented for buyers who have a good record of sales something similar to e-bay if not mistaken where satisfied buyers can comment if they are happy with the goods sold thus creating a good track record for the frequent seller.
Magnetic must make a police report first....then only can think the next course of action.
Any problem rise up if polis investigation going on and they wan to refer the thread but then it was deleted
Don't delete the thread but must blank out all contact to kelvinjb and stop him to receive any PM until his clarification.
bmw7833;554537 said:
Don't delete the thread but must blank out all contact to kelvinjb and stop him to receive any PM until his clarification.

I think it is a much better if can make it such way. :top::top:
Just lock the thread and delete his contact. At the same time suspend his account so that he can't access it anymore if and when someone does try to PM him.
This is one of the reason I request of exclusivity of the forum. Too many fuckers out there. Kelvin,

I give you 24 hrs to respond & 48hrs to refund the money.

To those conned kindly make report after 24hrs & pass the report to me:top:
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