Is our country safe anymore ???

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KL2DC;206063 said:
Yazid actually I think the 17 series are all compacts. The C denotes the compensator option which is recommended for noobs due to less recoil. There is an L version with a longer barrel.

Either way its cool with me. Didn't you know its not the size that matters, is how you use it :p

Yes you are correct ..... C is compensator ... I am using 19

I wish that all will say size does not matter .... hahahaha
start another thread if you want to delve into the topic of guns... Otherwise, even Parangs and penknife are considered related to crime.

One of 2 posts off topic is fine, but not 2 pages of them...
jangan marah .... boss....

I feel that this is one of the best way to divert from posting that will leading towards condeming police, government and others. Every body starts posting their bad experience and start cursing others .... while others like me will add salt and sugar.

Well shit happend ..... Shit also happen in our beloved Club.

Like I always condemed Botak Sith, his thread title will always leading to a hetic argument or will end-up condeming government ...... not relavan at all. and that should be stopped ...... Unless that is what this club towards to.

not marah, just to remind everybody to stay on topic. Otherwise, topic would be closed since it's no longer serving its intended purpose.

If you guys still want to continue discussing about guns, start another thread and I'll move the related postings from this thread to the new thread.
fabianyee;206066 said:
shud I edit the topic to 'Gun Talk'???

I fully agree with you...start a topic abt it.

btw,my gun squirts!!! choik...choik!!!:D
JYazid;206071 said:
jangan marah .... boss....

I feel that this is one of the best way to divert from posting that will leading towards condeming police, government and others. Every body starts posting their bad experience and start cursing others .... while others like me will add salt and sugar.

Well shit happend ..... Shit also happen in our beloved Club.

Like I always condemed Botak Sith, his thread title will always leading to a hetic argument or will end-up condeming government ...... not relavan at all. and that should be stopped ...... Unless that is what this club towards to.


Bro, u cant divert away from the truth too long... the crime rates in this country is getting from bad to worst and sadly the ones that hold the power either had something to do with it (i.e. - Like the current datuk in east malaysia with the guts to threaten the life of a security guard ) or have the power to do something about it, but arent. The issues have to be addresed. Just today our local dallies reported that in sentul KL the crime rate has increased by 90% or something like that. What can the higher authorities do to curb this plague. So I guess instead of them sitting down and deciding on silly issues as to weather males and females should ride on diffrent coaches in the LRT ( as reported today ), they should focus more on current issues that is holding back this country's good name. I say that change is long overdue not because I want chaos, but in actual fact its because I love this country. Ponder upon it for a bit

By the way it's Sith not Suther.... you si Dugong of dangduts:p

For those of you who thinks this country is not safe and things are not up to standard you are most welcome to Leave the country.:mad:
redbaron;206294 said:
For those of you who thinks this country is not safe and things are not up to standard you are most welcome to Leave the country.:mad:

I don't think its unpatriotic to point out current shortcomings and opinions. Everyone is entitled to a free say, its the democractic way and we are a free nation. It just shows concern towards making our nation stronger and better...what's wrong with that?
Todays news, crime related :

1. The burial of an innocent 8 year girl who was murdered and had a hands chopped off. Only a sick bastard would do this

2. Man uses the " here to collect payment for water pump repair " trick in Kuantan.

3. 16 year girl get kidnapped by her own boyfreind, who by the way claims to love her, but demands ranson from the family. WTF !!!

4. The mum of the kid that went missing in the Sogo shopping complex gets an SMS demamnding for RM 100 top up on a pre paid card, for further information on her kid... have these ass holes no heart at all.

Lets see what else new is in the newspaper tomorrow.
Crime rates and police efficiency (or the lack thereof, being the topic of discussion) would be extremely relevant to this Forum. We all drive our beloved rides, and we would wanna know if we and our family, and our rides (not necessarily in that order!) would be safe in this beloved country of ours. Can it be anymore relevant than that? Leaving the Country of of birthplace is not an option many of us would wanna consider (or can financially consider) if we make a change for the better. Abandoning something/someone we love is but a Cowards' way out, and if we don't stand up to the injustices/wrongs around us, who else will? We can't blame anyone else if we ourself dun have the cajones to take a step forward. I take it as my God given right to highlight the injustices burdened on this Country and its rakyat, AND I irrevocably Love my I'm not contesting at the GE laaaa!
ok on topic boss...I believe there's 2 types of crimes, crimes of opportunity and crimes which are planned.

On crimes which are planned, personally i believe part of the reason of the rising crime rate is that the police here is under equiped to actually be more effective. This is not their fault, it's just that for a long time Malaysia has relatively been crime free, so our police force in not ready both physically and mentally to combat newer, more violent crimes which are planned in advance.

do understand, when i said combat violent crimes, not solving it after it happens, but preventing it before it happens or combatting it while it happens.

eg 1. Most of our constables go on the beat still armed with batons and revolver. THAT would be okay 20 years ago, but not relevent nowadays. Batons are fine, that's for non lethal encounters, such as pick pockets and vcd sellers and such. But what if there's an armed roberry in progress? revolvers won't help as it's not accurate enough, nor does it have enough stopping power. That won't help in the situation, furthermore, there will be chances of a stray shot hitting an innocent bystander.

faced with that situation, the constables would then have to consider/reconsider their actions, and that will take time and more often than not by the time they have decided of the action, the criminals would be escaping or shooting back at them or worse still have taken a hostage. Then the situation will degrade further as the police is reacting to the criminals movement/action instead of proacting or taking charge of the situation by forcing the criminals to react to the force

Now you may be thinking what's this got to do with crime rates in Malaysia. Simple! by being under equipped, the message we are sending out to the criminals is saying "what ever you do, we will react to it" where as we want to send a message "what ever you do, we are prepared to use appropriate force to respond". Reacting and responding has 2 different meanings in regards to tactics or the use of force. If the police show that they are ready to respond with appropriate force, that will help to reduce violent, armed and planned crimes.

for these types of crimes, we need both the force and the goverment to work hand in hand to increase the effectiveness and to equip the force better for today's scenario.

but much of the crimes that are commited are crimes of opportunity. These kinds of crimes, the police wont be able to do much about except investigate as they can't predict which opportunity the criminals will take to do it. These kind of crimes need our - the citizens or public joe - vigilance to try and minimise the opportunity for the criminals. That's what we need to do....

eg 2. crimes such as rape can be reduced by reducing the risk or the opportunity for the rapist to strike. seldom rape is done by an unknown person planning and execitung the rape. most of it are crimes of opportunity (please bear in mind that I am in no way saying that the rape victim is at fault. Rape is a crime that I take very seriously and personally and if i have my way, the rapists would be castrated by me.)

eg 3. robbers breaking into the house, again mostly crimes of opportunity, and again we can minimise the risk. Snatch is also same, minize your risk, be practical and logical. think on your toes. And so on and so forth.

(i've seen an advert on TV saying always walk on the opposite side of the road so that you can see incoming cars... well to me that's just logical. not only that, it also helps you to see "threats", plan your evasive route and if need be, potential weapons or objects you can use for defence/attack.)

Conclusion, both the police, the powers that be, and us citizens will have to work together to combat crimes. Police would have to be more efficient and better, they need better training, better equipment. The powers that be have to provide the funds for the training and the equipments. and citizens would have to minimize risk and opportunity for criminal to strike.

I mean it's okay to complain about this and that but in the end we make the difference. be on your toes, be aware of your sorrounding, be safe.
Oh on a personal note, I think giving the public to carry personal defence weapons is a good step and should be given a thought. Of course you can't just give the licence out just like that, strict screening is required. But for me personally though, it's a good idea.

ps, dont ask me to defend the view, i just agree to it for reasons i keep to myself.
On the contrary, I dont believe normal citizens should be given the right to carry firearms. There is enough evidence in the united states that it doesnt help to lower crime rates.

The problems with the police force is already well documented with the Independent Royal Comission and the subsequent report that identified the problems and the provided the solution that is needed. Now, the PM only needs to act on it.

At the meantime while waiting for the football game to reach extra time before any meaningful action is taken, (PM says now only reaching half time) we just have to be cautious. :) :p
DingChavez;206539 said:
Conclusion, both the police, the powers that be, and us citizens will have to work together to combat crimes. Police would have to be more efficient and better, they need better training, better equipment. The powers that be have to provide the funds for the training and the equipments. and citizens would have to minimize risk and opportunity for criminal to strike.

I mean it's okay to complain about this and that but in the end we make the difference. be on your toes, be aware of your sorrounding, be safe.

Dei, you still going on about the Glock arent you? :D
Last evening, a snatch theft almost took place. This was at the Chinese school in SS19, Subang Jaya, at about 6.00pm.

A short man grabs and hugs this lady, while trying to snatch her gold chain. Another lady, seeing this lady in distress, comes to her rescue. She jabs the assailant in his stomach with her umbrella. The assialant grabbed her by her hair, pushed her to the ground, and rubbed her face, by dragging her along the road. This lady ends up with a badly bruised face.

And here, in the newspapers, our PM tells a deputy Minister and a Police chief to stop bickering in public over crime statistics. If he ever got wind that we are discussing the same topic at the BMW Club Malaysia forum, he may tell us to do the same thing (maybe, affect his chances of re-election, I dunno).

Seriously guys, our PM as Internal Minister, is probably not doing enough, especially for the Police force. He is just too busy. He can't wait forever for the VW chief to see him about PROTON! You know, Proton - every corporate company in the solar system is clamouring for a stake in our beloved PROTON, especially one with parking yards full of stock. I have nothing against Proton, having owned four of them before. Served me quite well. The new VW chief from Audi(who has taken Audi in leaps and bounds to profits and success) is busy taking orders from Porsche (a major shareholder of VW); the most profitable car company in the world. This should be the way. As for some other cabinet ministers, they are busy having their pictures taken by the press for the biggest smiles.

Lets get some things straight. First of all, I am not a politician, and I don't have any personal ill-feelings to anyone. Second, we just shouldn't be asked to leave our country because we are voicing our grievances; this thought should never have arisen.

Thirdly, as I said before, our police force are ill-equipped to handle many crime. Sure there are some bad hats, but I believe there are some good guys too. Can you imagine the cops in their Kancils giving chase to Juan Powerblow in his toupee, er, I mean 323 koo-pay? :) Nice car, Juan; really nice.

I look at all the arguments for and against on this topic, and all have valid points. Maybe, we as a club can start doing something, like creating awareness of safety, etc.. We can hand out car-stickers, for eg; with emergency tel numbers, etc.. for starters. We have a formidable group, and we can help other groups to help others, too. The lady with the umbrella felt she had to do her 'little bit". She prevented the theft, even though she was hurt in the incident. She helped someone else.
[SIZE=+2]Gunman kills 32, self, in worst U.S. college massacre[/SIZE]
By Patricia Zengerle

BLACKSBURG, Va. (Reuters) - A gunman killed 32 people at a Virginia university, many of them students attending class, and then shot himself dead on Monday in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.
Most of those killed were students attending classes at a hall at Virginia Tech, where the gunman apparently used chains to lock doors before shooting the victims, university and police officials said.
Law enforcement officers search the Virginia Tech campus after a gunman shot 32 people on the university campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, April 16, 2007. A gunman killed 32 people at the university, many of them students attending class, and then shot himself dead on Monday in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. (REUTERS/Brendan Bush)
Fifteen people were wounded, included those shot and students hurt jumping from windows in a desperate attempt to escape the gunfire, officials said.
One student told CBS News the killer was an Asian male, about 6 feet tall, who walked into his German class and shot a student and professor before systematically shooting nearly all of the other students in the room.
"I hid under the desk and he proceeded to shoot everybody else in the class, practically," said Derek O'Dell, who suffered an gunshot wound in his arm. "There were probably 15 to 20 people in the class and he shot 10 to 15 of them."
He said the gunman, who was wearing a black leather coat and maroon hat, fired several shots from a handgun, reloaded and resumed shooting. The man left the room, but later returned and fired into the door before leaving again, O'Dell said.
Television images of terrified students and police dragging bloody victims out of the building revived memories of the infamous Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and is likely to renew heated debate about U.S. gun laws.
The rampage began two hours earlier at a dormitory a half-mile away where a male and a female student were shot dead as other students began crisscrossing the sprawling campus for morning classes.
University police said they had thought the first shooting was an isolated incident and believed the gunman had left the campus, drawing criticism that they were slow to warn other students of the danger.
Virginia Tech campus police chief Wendell Flinchum said the gunman was a male, but gave no details of his age or nationality nor on what kind of gun he used. While he would not confirm there was only one gunman, Flinchum said police were not looking for another suspect.
A student's video of the chaos was replayed repeatedly on U.S. television networks. It showed people scurrying around the campus as more than two dozen shots rang out.
"Today our nation grieves with those who have lost loved ones at Virginia Tech," President George W. Bush said.
The death toll was worse than a massacre at the University of Texas in Austin on Aug. 1, 1966, when Charles Whitman, a 25-year-old student, killed 13 people and wounded 31 in a 90-minute spree.
Students told CNN there were multiple bomb threats to the Virginia Tech campus in the last few weeks. Two of the threats were aimed at the university's science and engineering school.
The first shooting was reported to campus police at about 7:15 a.m. (1115 GMT) in West Ambler Johnston Hall, a dormitory housing some 900 students. It was followed by more shooting at Norris Hall, site of the science and engineering school that has given the university much of its fame as a leading technical institute in the United States.
During the two hours after the first shooting some students had ventured out again. University police were still investigating the first shooting at the dormitory when they got word of gunfire at the classroom building.
"I'm really at a loss for words to explain or understand the carnage that has visited our campus," Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said at a news conference.
Steger, facing questions over the university's initial response, stressed that its efforts to alert students could not possibly reach the thousands of people moving around the campus at the start of the school day.
"We had no reason to suspect any other incident was going to occur," Steger said of the first shooting.
More than 30,000 people die from gunshot wounds in the United States every year and there are more guns in private hands than in any other country. But a powerful gun lobby and support for gun ownership rights has largely thwarted attempts to tighten controls.
In 1999, two student gunmen killed 12 other students and a teacher before killing themselves at Columbine High School in Colorado.
"We live in a society where guns are pretty well accepted," said Jim Sollo, of Virginians Against Handgun Violence. "There are 200 million guns in this society and obviously some in the wrong hands."
Virginia Tech, with 26,000 students and some 100 buildings on 1,050 hectares, is located in the town of Blacksburg and set in lush rolling hills in the southwest corner of the state, about 390 km from Washington.
(Additional reporting by Peter Szekely, John O'Callaghan, Sandra Maler, David Storey, David Alexander and David Wiessler)

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