Help - Problem With Garmin 200W

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Club Guest
Dec 6, 2004
I have a Garmin 200W which is now out of warranty) and it seemed to have developed a problem recently. It is getting harder for it to lock on a sattelite and it is happening for longer period of time and with increasing regularity. Yesterday the whole trip home of 1hr's drive it would not lock on. I did a 2 hrs drive to PD and back last weekend and I had no problems with sattelite location. I thought it was becasue maybe its becasue of the Vkool tint I have in my new car. But I recalled that I sometimes had the problem in my old car which had a different tint. In the previous car, it will eventually lock on. I even tried it outside the car and found that it was still unable to locate the sattelite. I only got a sattelite lock of I took it upstairs and plugged in an external USB power and put it near my bedroom window. Any ideas? Is it because of the tint or is my unit going dead? Is there some place I can send it to have it checked out? Any help is much appreciated.
likely the tint. Have you also upgraded your GPS software via webupdater? There are some fixes in there to increase sensitivity.
Not sure where to check but you can contact forumer akuadam. He may be able to help you.

FYI, I drove KL-KB and back using the GPS using MFM. Awesome!! it has most of the roads including my favourite shortcuts.
i updated the firmware and map, and its locking to the satellites much faster. definitely the VKool on my car is affecting it. faster lock when i hold the unit outside the car window :)
Guys, how to update ah to the latest? I have one too, and mine is getting harder to lock on satellite and the map is outdated.

FYI- Using this on my PDA, so pls dont burn me if you guys are talking abt the one that comes with the car.
SuthanM;428160 said:
Guys, how to update ah to the latest? I have one too, and mine is getting harder to lock on satellite and the map is outdated.

FYI- Using this on my PDA, so pls dont burn me if you guys are talking abt the one that comes with the car.


The firmware update that we are referring to is the firmware update for the Garmin GPS devices which can be updated via Garmin's WebUpdater software.

The Garmin firmware update via Garmin Webupdater is only for Garmin GPS units and not for other GPS brands nor for PDAs.

If you are using Garmin Mobile XT on your PDA, got to to get the latest FREE map which is updated weekly and Points of Interest which is updated monthly.

We are all NOT talking about built-in sat navs or GPS.
I have updated the firmware and it did not improve the satellite lock.

In fact I'm sure it is the VKool cos it did not happen with my other 2 cars which are not equiped with VKool.

I got fed up and replaced the unit to a new 255W which has a better satellite reception and the situation improved.

Only after replacing the unit did I discover that I could have done a hard reset and cold start and it should improve the satellite lock.

Try it but make sure you back-up the files.
bimmerdude;428234 said:
err.. whats a hard reset and cold start? and exactly how much was the 'peanuts' worth? :)

Hard reset/cold start is to clear the memory and reset the unit to its factory setting. read it here
Depending on the unit, it is done any one of the following:

1. Pressing the on/off button in the off position for some time.
2. Pressing a button thru a pin hole at the bottom/back of the unit

That is why it is important to back up the files and recopy it back if required later.

Peanuts - MYR300.00
sorry , this is not about garmin . . Does the x6 Navi CD fit into e65,e65 or even a e90 ? ? ? ? Do they use the same CD or not ?

Planning to get one too. Any particular reason why choose Garmin? Bro Saat, how much u got your 255W?
buzzlie;428471 said:

Planning to get one too. Any particular reason why choose Garmin? Bro Saat, how much u got your 255W?

garmin is the most popular, and reliable brand locally. hence easily available and more support la in terms of service and maps.

price also not too expensive.
True about Garmin being popular and there are free map available locally. The original maps are expensive.

But price-wise, there now emerges new brands that are less than half or a third of the price with the same or better features than Garmin high end models and the FOC map producers are supporting.

I bought my 255W MYR1,100 a few months ago but the price has come down for the local version which has added new features. Check current prices.
Would you suggest these new brands? Or they are not reliable?

The free map is compatible with the Garmin system?
The most popular formats are Garmin and Mapking.

There is one site that initially provided free Malaysia & Singapore maps in both Garmin and Mapking formats. They have now locked it up cos they signed an agreement with Garmin to sell their maps. Garmin sells their map updates at USD99.

We all jumped to a breakaway site that initially produces Malaysia & Singapore maps in Garmin format. The raison d'être of this new community is to keep the maps free. This site have now expanded to produce in another format that is now becoming more popular in in region. The maps are updated weekly.

I am thinking of getting this new brand of GPS just to try it out using the map from this site. The new GPS is RM700 vs the same equivalent Garmin at MYR1,800. I'll be able to report on it in a few months.

FYI I also have a Navman that uses Tele Atlas format maps. Tele Atlas map update are very expensive. I paid GBP49 for a European map update from Tele Atlas at 50% Christmas discount.

I heard BMW map update is MYR2K.
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