hello everybody there, :34: I had successfully hooked it up with the Scytek Vision Guard 8000 series with the ZKE IV unit. In the same time i had figured out a special wiring to resolved the frequent central lock problem and some other vehicle unstartable problem.when it was hook-up, the central lock motor never/unlikely to BURN as usual, it was happend to my car before. i had replaced 2 central lock front and rear right side central lock.., i was not know what is happennig on that car cause it to be like that. until one day a serious bug striking on my car!!!!!, how ever the second time it coming out and burn one of the central lock motor. i did not had enough free time to investigate at the moment. The time had come, and i successfully pin out the bug and solved it. anybody who had interest to order the new camera equipted alarm system from me will get the full wiring plan to resolved the central lock issue., lock/unlock/double lock with VG8000 remote control and instant capture image with one press button. without the modification i fear it will frequently trigger central lock burn out, just like one of mine already burn out before i had time to dig it out..
email to jokeracts@yahoo.com