Guess Who's Back!!!

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Woi!!! 17 pages in 1 day...... This is more than the 'P Farah' welcoming thread!...and you are all guys....sheesh!
XXX;323410 said:
Wellcum back kepada otai otai BMWCM...

XXX - you are included also laaa ..

Stay tune - there are more 'old people' joining in soon ....
535i;323036 said:
waaaaa .... we're back online .... :top:

Be afraid ... be vely vely the afraid ... :thefinger:

Calling all the old-timers ... :stupid: ..Let's create the fun that we used to have ... :burnout:

Hart-ther-gay - How's your stomach ? Still big ?
Steban - Ur head lites still tembak pokok kelapa izzit ?

Where the F*** is Naza2, Flash and OMG ???


I not in for 12 hours ++, oredi 17 pages long......!!!

How to reply all!!!???
flash;323045 said:
Woit, tidolah... I am a SLOTH, remember....:rock::rock::rock::rock:

Welcum back RoyGay, long time no c ur stom..... cabuts. Soree did not manage to catch up with u when u were in KL, I was taking SLOTH for a run up to Ipoh that night and weekend. Came back following a green colour E34 525i.... BEM **. Belongs to any forummer? Kenot run wor, Emperor sleeping in the back.

I was in Penang two weekends ago, din even get to meet Roy (he was still sombong then).... SLOTH shld have shown up.... the whole Hijackers Gang was there....
Jipster;323057 said:
jipster reporting in from Germany.... saw an R8 the other day... heard it before I saw it.

Jips.... hows Germany?? More importantly, take plenty of pics and videos from..... THE RING!!!

You lucky dog....!! Eh.... 535i tak gi RING ke??
mrhartge;323069 said:
laaar .. butoi , kucing cino ... comel wor ...

YES!! I agree..... cino, choon.... MILF!!! But stricly off limits, exclusive to the Gay from up north!!
okow;323071 said:
Wah...suddenly these 'forgotten' familiar names start to appear....
Woi, 520i & mrhartge, welcome back!!!

OKOW.... thnx for still remembering us.... hope we dont havok the forums too much.... :rock:
naza2;323072 said:
helo. boROY, welcome back. the same goes to shortie, indian, jip, flash. lee?

Shortie??? I tot u the shortie??? Mr-Here-Got-Big-Flash..... that was a good one!!

OMG is cunt-mittee ma...... mana dia arr??
ICEMAN 13;323355 said:
bro part duex larrrr .....

did i hear KINGHAMSAP from our comm members ...Mr YAZID ????

calling latuk ILV and Kinghamsap ....... anybody can contact these two orang tua ......
Stebanji ..

do u REALLY have to answer every single posting ????

Jeezzzzz ... u better spend quality time finding 'fish' laaa ...

ceh !!
JYazid;323442 said:
calling latuk ILV and Kinghamsap ....... anybody can contact these two orang tua ......

Contact memang boleh - but joining the forum is hak masing-masing ...

I do not want to go for the 'infamous' debate - years ago ...

This forum is open to all BMW kakis - regardless who there are ...
Daredevil;323090 said:
The jokers are back....finally...welcum back mrhartge, 5201, jipster, naza2, flash....:top:

Mrhartge, masih kat penang kah?

Mr EX-Prezz..... still remember us leh..... the Hijackers!!
535i;323102 said:
OMG is 'working' laaa ..

Last time working from Starbook, Bangsar ..
Now - got to work from opish ..

Wait until he gets a big jackpot .. sure will walk on water one ... :top:

He almost hitting the Jackpot dah..... soon he will float over water!!

ABE, mana the M5 conversion thread?? Show us yr conversion-cum-deep-end-hole....
jeffreyewe;323144 said:
yippeeee....the brady bunch is back, welcome home!

Thnx for the wel-cum..... coming home or simply passing by wreaking havoc.... that one donno yet..... :listen:

KNNCCB.... how are you man?
535i;323443 said:
Stebanji ..

do u REALLY have to answer every single posting ????

Jeezzzzz ... u better spend quality time finding 'fish' laaa ...

ceh !!

Thats my style ma..... then how to get 3K post count???

FISH, i still have adequate.... and the pool is still growing with new stocks...
dei stebanji. Tarak kerja ka? Just read and dont reply until u reach the last page.
zamtresco;323148 said:
ZAMTRESCO reporting in.......

hahahaha... lets hijack thread.....

Zam Zam Zam.... yr signature is so teruk le....

Wifes are rice..... dont eat, cannot.... eat everyday, boring.... but still hv to eat.... so we add LAUK!! :burnout:
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