Guess Who's Back!!!

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jeffreyewe;323855 said:
This thread will be closed due to inappropriate and non sensical postings.

oops..forgot I no more committee. old habits die hard...:rock::rock:

Haha.... Old habits die sooooo hard ya??

Where does it say in the forum rules (sticky) that this is not the place to post chats, say hi to frens and just simply to catch up???? I just took one thread to say hi to frens, as well as getting older frens to show up and hang out. Cool la.....

And, this is an internet forum..... all you do here is chat..... esp here in General Discussion area ma..... this is not the technical section ma....

Hahaha..... ex-VP going to ban me oso????
5201;324051 said:
Haha.... Old habits die sooooo hard ya??

Where does it say in the forum rules (sticky) that this is not the place to post chats, say hi to frens and just simply to catch up???? I just took one thread to say hi to frens, as well as getting older frens to show up and hang out. Cool la.....

And, this is an internet forum..... all you do here is chat..... esp here in General Discussion area ma..... this is not the technical section ma....

Hahaha..... ex-VP going to ban me oso????

No no .. I WILL ban you ... :rock:
jeffreyewe;323855 said:
This thread will be closed due to inappropriate and non sensical postings.

oops..forgot I no more committee. old habits die hard...:rock::rock:
5201;324051 said:
Haha.... Old habits die sooooo hard ya??

Where does it say in the forum rules (sticky) that this is not the place to post chats, say hi to frens and just simply to catch up???? I just took one thread to say hi to frens, as well as getting older frens to show up and hang out. Cool la.....

And, this is an internet forum..... all you do here is chat..... esp here in General Discussion area ma..... this is not the technical section ma....

Hahaha..... ex-VP going to ban me oso????

no shiiiate ... X-VeePee can BUN us for posting in General Discuntssion Area ?? they got mutant power kaa???
535i;323921 said:

U want to hit 60 pages - join in and post laaa ..
Expect us to do the job all by ourselves, izzit ?

We can post coz most of us are bosses - in our own company.
520I is a rich but unemployed.
naza2 too is rich and semi-employed
Fireblade is rich but pretend to be employed
HardGay used to be rich until his joint kene serbu last week in Penang
Me ? Damnnn ... I retired already laaa ... Focusing in installing the 2nd M5 engine in my boot ... :rock:

True.... true.....

Flash is rich but kira too much that he donwan to spend...... he in VN wor....

Jippy is rich, so rich that he is entering the RING this weekend...

Lee is rich, he have managed to defy gravity and is floating!!

PisauApi.... post je..... tak kan satu post per day can help hit 60 pages...???
535i;323891 said:
I doubt Flash can do that - he got back problem , remember ...

Can... he only needs to lie there...... GERUDI!!! :top:

Wonder how you say it in Viet..... calling Suther.....
5201;324051 said:
Haha.... Old habits die sooooo hard ya??

Where does it say in the forum rules (sticky) that this is not the place to post chats, say hi to frens and just simply to catch up???? I just took one thread to say hi to frens, as well as getting older frens to show up and hang out. Cool la.....

And, this is an internet forum..... all you do here is chat..... esp here in General Discussion area ma..... this is not the technical section ma....

Hahaha..... ex-VP going to ban me oso????
535i;324056 said:
No no .. I WILL ban you ... :rock:

fuiyoooo ... offisial member can BUN forummer aaar... superduper power ...
naza2;323922 said:
mana ah hwang? oiii... post dua tiga kali lepaih tu lari kaa? thread belom katup lagi da.

give us another rasa sayang.

Ah Hwang gi tangkap b*b! hutan..... buat kari.....

Come la Scared arrrr????
mrhartge;323923 said:
EEEEEEWWWW... just imagined STEVANJI naked ... hairless shiot ....

Woi..... you the brokeback fan... not me....

My nakedness is strictly for my Fishes....!!
naza2;323927 said:
do yoga. bikram yoga. you last for hours. well 40 mins at least.

Hah..... i last way longer than that and i dont even do yoga.......

Remember, its just another muscle.... practice and work on building it..... hahahahah
mrhartge;323928 said:
wei,wei,wei... not my joint ok ... YOGAGAYBOY ask me to run for him lar ...

abe pisauapi dah makang ??? abe pisauapi sihat ????

You the mastermind ma.... he the financier....
535i;323936 said:
But can ur partner last 40 minutes ...

Pakai akal laaaa ... :stupid:

Alah..... dia kisah diri dia aje..... if the area gets too hot and smoky, he will feel the heat oso ma.....
BlackCat;323942 said:
Hey bro....

Welcome 'home' dude... Its good to see your posts after a long while. Look forward to seeing you.

The Cat is in da house.....!!

You came back here much earlier..... how have you been doing.... or rather... who have you been doing??? Kekekekkekekekkkkk.....
mrhartge;323945 said:

spec TEH Electronics berapa besau daaa ...
tak reply pong.,,...


TEH electronic part tu,.... tak tau berape volume....

But i dah bagi one contact...... try le....

naza2;323955 said:
what do you mean berapa besau? your email sucks. go check your mail server.

Oooo... so evidently even his email SUCKs.......

jarance;323966 said:
Me.. I want to retire but cannot. Have not save enough for my first M3.. :smokin:

Unker J is being modest...... he is rich, he is BUILDING his own M3....
jarance;323976 said:
ssshhhh.. don't tell everybody.. if not.. IRS will come after me... :wink:

IRS???? Whats that??? And they can access to yr Cayman Isle account meh???? least yr Swiss account is still hidden..... OPPPPSSSS.....
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