E46 318i vs 325i ?

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I had the E36 325i. I was so glad i didnt go for the 318i after hearing some friends complain about it being slow.

When the E46 was introduced the prices went up and the 318i was financially more attractive than the 325i. What more with a newer and better 1.9L (then later a 2.0L Valvetronic). Somehow i still felt something was lacking when i test drove both the 1.9L and 2.0L.

Finally when i came down to ordering an E46, i went with the 325i. Any regrets? Nosiree!! What glorious smoothness and aural note (with the added ACS rear of course!).

Perhaps one day when its time to move on to something else as a replacement, it will definitely be another silky straight 6 in my garage. Ok, perhaps a flat 6 (if my allegiance change) or V8, but i'll avoid a 4 banger unless its a small toy car like a MINI or something Japanese for the missus.
no $$ how?? buy on ur bujet plan :)

sum more the ink for my money printer also dry liao

can sum one pinjam the ink?

lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

E36 325 auto Fuel Consumtion. ?? l /100km or RM120 for ???KM urban and highway

Hallo geoffreylee...what's the idea posting the same question on 7 threads? Especially if you bump up old threads and going off topic on all of them? If you ask a question there will always be someone willing to help but you don't have to shout your question. Look at the sticky threads and you can find a fuel consumption thread there, also forum guidelines.

No offence, but just advising you not to do this way or next time maybe no one will answer your question. Post courteously.
Your own suggestion in the membership enquiries section:

"4. Also suggest clearing your chat as some are in-relevant to the topic as it is not good sight for your forum new visitors."

Your repeat posts are not good sight for us either mate! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Sorry mate..

Dont mean to do that. As my friend on my notebook and post that question in all the threads. She dont mean to offend anyone...

meetoo said:
Just noticed you posted on 8 threads! Jeeeeez! :mad:
Skar I think u can close this topic as I have decided that whether I get a E46 or E36 it will be a 6 potter. Thanks for ur comments.

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