E38..guys i need ur help..

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Jan 1, 2009
harlow everyone..I need sm help from sifus2 here..MY E38 730i..driving time its smooth n power is there but the engine sound is geting bad..i noticed it frm 2weeks back..i am not 2 pro in all this..so i would like to ask ur opinion b4 i go 2 the shop n kena "KATOK"..plz someone help me asap...wana solve it asap...thanx in advance..
that's why I jumped ship. tempting as they may be, these M60's are really a timebomb and ticking as well. unstoppable_7, dun be disheartened, get a competant mechanic to check it out first. cheers.
i guest so d..
actually i just change 1 of the valve..
not to sure la..
4get d..
but the mechanic says itz because of d petrol to "hot" n cause d valve "makan/bocor"
isit true bro..?
after that d car was okay..
not much sound..
but sifus..
i want 2 know watz d cause of d engine 2 go..?
i am a noob bro..
infact i am juz 19..
help me up bro's plz...
Hi unstopables_7,

what year is your E38?

So far anyone experience the nakasil problem for prior 1999 E38s?

what are the common problems for 2001 E38?
raydl;424163 said:
Hi unstopables_7,

what year is your E38?

So far anyone experience the nakasil problem for prior 1999 E38s?

what are the common problems for 2001 E38?

mine is 97 model..
since d last.."touch wood" till now no prob..
d power is still there..
juz that d engine sound is a bit loud than normal..
but tats normal my mech said..
since is big cc n i do lots of travelling wth speeding most of d times..
duno hw far is through..
but wat d heck..d sound cant compare wth d driving pleasure that i njoy is my ride..:top::top:
so who cares..
need sm advice and aso some help here..
yesterday i got a prob wth my E38,730i,97..

It's kinda wierd..
i didnt use d car for 2dayz..
then the 3rd day i start d car n left in 4 10mins..then when i get in d car 2 go out..
the stering was so hard..then i came out n spot d power steering fluid all over the floor..
and check d fluid is totally gone..dry..
it hapend wthin a second..
so i call up my mechanic n he came to take d car 2day..

after he check he said the POWER STEERING BOX have 2 change..the "sub/sharp" is where d oil is coming out from..
probaly sm leak there..

so now i rely need sm advice in this..

1stly..my current power steering box has been change b4..so is this prob kinda serius or usually hapend 2 thiz model..
2ndly..hav anyone encountered this prob or isit rely hapend..coz i hav never heard tiz kind of prob n for d sharp 2 leak is wierd 4me..?

rely need sm feedback guyz..
thanx in advance..
That seems odd. I might not be too familiar with owning a 7, having driven my E32 for over a year and a half now, and so far, my car [despite its age] had yet to encounter such a problem with the power steering.

Is the power steering tank situated somewhere prone to being hit whilst going thru road bumps? Terribly sorry cos not that familiar with the E38. Hope your car will be in tip top shape soon.
i dun tink so..
coz d prob is d sub in d power steering box..
the other outside parts are prety fine..
Would appreciate if you would type the proper words so that old timers like us would be able to better understand your language ... there are no charactor limitation in this forum unlike in SMS ..
As for your problem, hard as i try to understand , in my opinion just go to a few competent workshops and you would have found the answer..

thank you
lucky 19 years old with a 7 series!

Guess the car is lack of TLC and sure it will bising ya. Take it to a good workshop and have a proper maintainance check.
The E38 will have the so-called Nakasil problem if it shakes and shakes violently when at rest,i.e. at neutral. Pls check other possible reasons,i.e. are all the hoses fully connected?
Send to AB and u'll solve the prob. Sending to these mechs will cost u more RM, unless u want them to make some RM from u.

I have this problem engine vibration problem before. My unit is 2001 E38 model using M54 engine. After change to a newer M54 Engine and it works well. It seems my previous owner try fixing the problem but without luck. Changing engine solve the vibration problem in my case.


Nikasil issue was a problem, but most engines suffering from it will well be showing signs of it by now, it doesnt tend to show up suddenly on engines the age most are now...........

3 litre V8 can be a problem, p/s problem would usualy be down to pipes from unit, not unit it self unless seals are pukkaroo'd.

The 3 litre tends to have more issues with rocker & head gaskets than 4 litre, rough idle can be due to oil weap from rocker covers getting into sparkplug & spark unit.

All V8's can suffer from pcv ( ? ) valve degridation, leads to rough running & poor idle, also crank sensor's tend to be a common problem.

My last 3 litre pack a sad due to afm giving up the ghost, easily sorted.

Sticky valve not unheard of but rare.............

Good luck with getting it sorted, nice cars & lovely engines when well maintained but they dont tollerate lack of upkeep.

I think you may want to bring the car to Auto Bavaria to run a proper diagnostics check. They're the only BMW Service Centre here in Penang, unfortunately. Have you brought the car to them before? Let them list out what's wrong and give you a quote for repairs. Like the guys here said, get the chequebook ready!

I don't wanna scare you but.....My old UDM E66 had what I thought were minor issues a couple of years back. And I didn't bother until one day, the car died on me - while I was driving out of a junction! Lucky there wasn't some speeding car coming the other way. The bill eventually came up to RM12k! Some parts and a few chips. 7 series prices have 7 series repair bills if you don't give them enough TLC.

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