..do you believe in seatbelts as a life saver in case of an accident.. ?

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I think there has been plenty of posts above supporting the use of seat belts. My thoughts:

Let's categorize accidents into three, minor, moderate and severe.

* minor accidents are like fender benders. It doesn't matter whether you wear seatbelts or not, you'll most likely survive with no injuries.
* severe accidents are those that drivers/passengers die in eg. ramming into a tree at autobahn speeds. It doesn't matter whether you wear seatbelts or not, they carry you out in body bags.
* moderate accidents cover the huge range in between. Wearing seatbelts along with other safety equipment (airbags, stability control etc) is the difference between a passenger walking away from the accident and a passenger being carried out in body bags.

To me the worse case scenario is not death, it's surviving with permanent disability or paralysis. Wearing seatbelts can make that difference.

Anyway, enough with the scary scenarios, on to happier topics :D
On the happier topic, a lot people tend to wear seat belt when they suddenly saw police on patrol, if they lucky, the police spot them after they manage to wear it. Applicable to front and back passanger.

I want to put something else but for some reason, my bwain wont cooperate with me. Damn it, you win this time!
the seat belt is designed to restrain the occupants of the vehicle from the crumple zone. as long as the accident doesn't compromise the zone adversely, wearing a seatbelt ensures a high chance of surviving it (the accident).
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