BMW on NGV or other Fuel Saver

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New BMW cant use NGV as the engine block is made of Alloy.. NGV run hotter then petrol... May be older BMW or those model with Iron block engine may try
NGV for SAGA very good (other car, good luck!).. but it has taken out a lot fun in driving... that defeat the purpose of buying a BMW..

BMW + NGV = confuse

Imaging buying a boat that cannot float or buying a plane that cannot fly.. :rolleyes:
My opinion, Drive a classic mini for daily drive ...afterall now the minis are bmw as well.

For the NGV on a BMW i have no offend, I like alternatives
Hi Tony,

Just wondering where your company got the conversion done. Am considering doing the conversion for my E30.

tony5050;273532 said:
hi guys,

just to share a lil' experience tht i have on my office Proton Perdana. Well, its a yr 2004 V6 and we installed the the NGV kits for a test run.
Spent around RM3500 for the whole installation and basic services for the car e.g. new spark plugs...etc etc
The car is used mainly for urban travelling, from Port Klang to Rawang to KL.....
Calculation from June until today, the car is doing around 150km/RM9 gas. I assume tht's a very good result for us. As for the power lacking issue that almost everyone is complaining, yes, we can see abit during the high load acceleration, but after torque pick up after 2500rpm, almost no difference!
For the lack of station isssue, well, lucky us to have a Petronas right opposite my office which every visit will not take more then 5mins..:)

Generally, natural gas needs a little higher compression ratio then a typical gasoline engine in order to have efficient combustion, around 11.2:1 or something like that.
As for the combustion temperature, personally, i think the is still not that much different from gasoline IF it is Spark iginited. Auto ignition temperature however for Gas however, is around 300 F higer then the gasoline.
but then again, NGV on BMWs, i will have no objection for it if more stations are set up, and we are definitely going Greener!!..:)
I've a fren in Bangkok who's driving a Merc new E-class came standard with OEM NGV. Fantastic!!!
astroboy;296784 said:
Wow! great innovative discussion here. There's this scam in the internet where they will sell u a homemade device where it will electronically break the Hydrogen molecule from water with 12V battery power and use the Hydrogen as alternative source to power our engine, same like NGV/Petrol setup. So the emission is water vapor.. sound too good to be true yah. Those who are worry about FC or Global Warming is their perfect prey!

Yes, you can move a vehicle with Hydrogen but the actual fact is the energy cost involved in separating the Hydrogen molecule from water is much higher if we just use the energy to move the vehicle instead of moving the vehicle from the Hydrogen gain. It does not make any economical sense..

And FYI, you pay higher road tax with NGV cars.. cause Malaysia Boleh! :D

About Hydrogen it is not a scam cause i have successfully installed it. Only issue the DIY stuff you found on internet wont save you petrol like the claim cause it doesnt cover a few aspect. If you would like to know more please go check into the net. DIY stuff is too complicated if try to install into a more newer model cars. I know this for a fact cause i tried doing a DIY unit with a friend on his honda civic. At the end both of us gave up, found a place doint installation with the ecu and all. Installed it, gain horsepower and save petrol. Dont believe go try them out, if fail they pay you back anyway no string attach. ( sorry i sounded harsh but i love my hydrogen kit and i know it works so dont simply pakai tembak lar saying it dont work.

NGV is still the best saving method but natural gas is still under subsidized and the worst is having to line up with taxis. Although alot of news says the reason blow up (the Mercs,Toyota,old datsun up Kedah) got nothing to do with the cylinder or what not, i carry gas before in my booth never see it blow by itself also. Or the gas seller got simply blow up? So this time they say gas, next time say flammable item, whats next? dont carry fuel better since fuel also can blow up. All these safety stuff should have brief by the installer to the owner isnt it? now blow up all blame to car owner. WTF....cant accept lar bro.

Check this out guys.. cooking gas!!




If the car exploded.. then they blame the NGV!!
Fuel Saver

The Tornado Fuel Saver is one of these so-called gas saving products, which is a modification to your car that the companies claim save gas mileage and in turn, save you hundreds of dollars on gas, and helps the fuel economy in general. You can get more information from
Good infor on Water/Hydrogen tech on fuel saving... Let the video explain..

Hahahaha!! I still will go for petrol

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