Fuel pump

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Aug 5, 2005
Hi people.I had an unusual incident happend to me. I had changed my fuel pump and after about 2 days later my car just died while driving. I thought it was a faulty fuel pump so I popped the back seat and took the pump out. To my surprise the tank was empty! Very strange I thought coz my trip mileage showed about 350 km when I could have gotten 500 easily before and the fuel gage needle was just a tad over the 15 liter mark. I didn't think much of it so I put back the fuel pump and filled her up at a gas station. And guess what? Full tank was only about 40 liters! What happened to the 25 liters or so for a full tank? So I concluded that the left side of the fuel tank still contained fuel.So what do you think guys? Faulty fuel pump or faulty float on the left tank? The foreman claimed it was a faulty float and changed it. He asked me "try it out" and to keep a few bottles of gas in the trunk just in case I run out of fuel again! I never had this problem before I changed the fuel pump and I think it's the pump and not the float. BTW, how does the fuel get pumped from the left tank to the right?Just thought I'd share my weird experience. Any comments?

check that the tubings are not crimped jammed or stuck or not connected

there are 2 versions of the left side, its either suction from the pump or a mini pump to pump the fuel to the other side, if the mini pump fails, it may not pump fuel, also do check electrical connection, as the main pump works in tandem with the mini pump, if it just a loose connection, which i presumed it was so, then u may have been duped into getting a new fuel sender for nothing......., just becoz some mech ( or one of his boyz) didnt connect the wires back.......
teejay said:

check that the tubings are not crimped jammed or stuck or not connected

there are 2 versions of the left side, its either suction from the pump or a mini pump to pump the fuel to the other side, if the mini pump fails, it may not pump fuel, also do check electrical connection, as the main pump works in tandem with the mini pump, if it just a loose connection, which i presumed it was so, then u may have been duped into getting a new fuel sender for nothing......., just becoz some mech ( or one of his boyz) didnt connect the wires back.......

Hi teejay,

Hmmm..... i gotta check on that mini pump. How do I recognize it? I don't recall seeing anything that looks like a pump when they replace the left float. Also, it's been 3 days and I keep smeeling gas everytime I get in the car. Danger danger...!! Do you think the smell is a sign of a blocked tubing or unconnected hose??
2 things i can come to conclusion

1. fuel lines not connected properly on either side, if you have the 1 side fuel sucking, i think becoz of the connection maybe loose, its just sucking air and part fuel, the fuel then gets evaporated into air - smell in the car......suggest you dont smoke at all.....else.....kaboom

2. tubing for the evaporation system not connected or connected wrongly - this can be the work ofan idiotic mech assistant if not done proper

either way, you should not be smelling fuel at all as the fuel tank and fuel system should be under pressure - rubber in the petrol cap keeps the pressure tight

better check it out or you could open up and see whats happening, if its a loose hose you can tighten it and give your mech a whack on the head.......
teejay said:
2 things i can come to conclusion

1. fuel lines not connected properly on either side, if you have the 1 side fuel sucking, i think becoz of the connection maybe loose, its just sucking air and part fuel, the fuel then gets evaporated into air - smell in the car......suggest you dont smoke at all.....else.....kaboom

2. tubing for the evaporation system not connected or connected wrongly - this can be the work ofan idiotic mech assistant if not done proper

either way, you should not be smelling fuel at all as the fuel tank and fuel system should be under pressure - rubber in the petrol cap keeps the pressure tight

better check it out or you could open up and see whats happening, if its a loose hose you can tighten it and give your mech a whack on the head.......

Well, checked my gas tank today and I don't see any leaks or signs of wetness anywhere. Dry as a bone around the cover and hoses. Removed the fuel pump as well and the tank is full of gas. Good news. Means that it's sucking gas from the left tank now. So I kinda concluded that the smell of gas was probably from the spray of the gas to surrounding areas (carpet, seat, etc) when the fuel hose was removed and didn't have a chance to completely dry off. So today I left the car out in the sun with the windows opened and hopefully will dry everything off. We'll see how it is when I get into the cabin tomorrow.

Anyway, the foreman didn't charge me for the left tank float. He just asked me to "use it first" so it was a little consolation for me! :)
tumbleweed said:
Anyway, the foreman didn't charge me for the left tank float. He just asked me to "use it first" so it was a little consolation for me! :)

yeah, use if first then he still charges you, later on, hopefully not........

i would give his assistant some whack on the head next time........i'm trying to find reasons to do so.......:cool:
teejay said:
yeah, use if first then he still charges you, later on, hopefully not........

i would give his assistant some whack on the head next time........i'm trying to find reasons to do so.......:cool:

Well, we'll see.

Anyway, there's still a slight tinge of gas odour in the cabin this morning. Bah, this is getting on my nerves. Looks like I'm gonna have ah wai check it out this afternoon.
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