Bimmerfest Malaysia?

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good one pussy... do both together!...

bigger turn out...... better....
JYazid;196765 said:
Ye ke ..... bile ..... ade ke ...... kat mane .......
..... at last ..... ingatkan tak jadi or NATO again.

Kite tengok siapa yang datangggggg ....... !!!!!!!!

well alot of people will come... provided got unity.... if people go around calling other names, and hatred among alot of members... how la!!

anyway.. i will fully support!.. lets make it happen!!...

bout the payment.. small matter.. so little money cant pay ah?.. if cant pay, dun play bmw la!...
kevster30;196750 said:
Hmmm.......Bimmerfest.....brilliant idea!

However has anyone considered the logistics and costs involved in realising such an event?

Why not concentrate on supporting the club and its events before choosing such a large-scale endevour?

Anyway, the upcpming event will be the official launch of the BMW Club Malaysia. Let's see how this goes. I truly believe in the old saying: "learn to walk, before you learn to run..."


Ha! ha! Kev, well said, these ppl have no idea of the amount of time & money we put in to organize the club annual dinners.
hey boys, the fest sounds great!!!!! i wont be back with my car this year, but im coming back, im willing to help as much as i can in the event..
Just thought of this idea again. Maybe a Bimmerfest in 2008 instead of a Grand TT?

By the way was there a Grand TT in 2007?
Let's make this Bimmer Fest happen...........yes?

2. Jerman
3. initialM
4. StRat
5. gagak
6. silveracbimmer

Lets put our heart together and support those who are keen. Lers set a date. I propose 11 Jan 2008
2. Jerman
3. initialM
4. StRat
5. gagak
6. silveracbimmer
7. bmw7833
8. vixxx
The thing about Bimmerfest here in California is we have a dealership hosting the event, as well as many many BMW vendors that make the event happen. If it's just going to be 100 BMW owners meeting in a random parking lot, it'll just be a very big meet and nothing else.

Vendors make it worthwhile because you can see the products and talk to the people who created them to see what's best for our cars.

Having a dealership as support is good because they will truly be supportive because we are their customers. They have the money for refreshments as well so we don't have to collect from attendees.

Location is very important. Bimmerfest in California is ALWAYS full. So full that people park up to a mile away from the actual event location. If that many BMW owners actually plan on showing up, we need a HUGE location. Some public park to reserve, a dealership with a huge open lot or something.

I just hope that whoever plans on running this event realises that they need a lot of corporate support because it's a large undertaking with a lot of money needing to be invested. I've been to Bimmerfest, once supporting a vendor using my car as the demo car, once as a car club participant and once just going there to see. So I've had a good perspective thru different views.
sepang has a massive landmass. but then, no spectators will travel all the way
must happen...bimmerfest

hi ppl!!

i fully support the program...

maybe can arrange initial meeting to genrate ideas
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