Beware: Police Operation

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I ran the phrase "Saya Anti Rasuah" through a Anagram Generator and got these results (comments in brackets are mine):

"A Rasa Tuna Say I" (sounds fishy), "A Rata Anus Say I" (flat izzit?), "Ayahs Tiara Anus" (walaoeh) and lots more.

LOL! Even software knows how these flers behave... :thefinger:

Generator is here:
just got me a summons:

Slim River
6 Aug 07
07:16 in the morning
km 388 North South Highway
laju dikesan: 153km/h


beware of the spot friends....
that's far below 250km/h bro! itu hari monsoon drive dengan ipoh charity drive suda keluar ke saman?
Bailey;283746 said:
yeah jules tat spot seems to be so fofular hah coz ive kena once there as well but managed to goreng the policeman pheeeeeeeewwwww

so i shld be aware of tis sungkai stretch lor tis time

just went out for lunch and they are zapping rite midday sun but on opposite direction. ( ie. from jalil to cheras ).

2nd time I saw this oredi since last 2 weeks.....most be a very keen group of cops......or hungry for free handouts.....raya coming mah!

Bundy, u r around this area fore-warned!
syahruln;283896 said:
that's far below 250km/h bro! itu hari monsoon drive dengan ipoh charity drive suda keluar ke saman?

actually was doing 253km/h..... but their equipment can only record below 199km/h..... tak kan nak keluar saman with X53km/h......


:thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger:
QD250;283886 said:
just got me a summons:
laju dikesan: 153km/h

Ok la... kalau kena 121km/h, that one really langgar bola... ur one more "worth it" ... :D
I just got two summons...
limit 60km/h .... drove 76km/h....on a 2 way each side strech road.. bengang betul

mcm pak mentua aku la... orang johor, gi melawat anak kat tg malim... pegi kedai beli gula... pegi balik kena tembak @ 70kmh++... hampeh.
pak mentua ko silap..... ada ke gi beli gula....

kalau beli planta, sure tak kena punya.....


beli loteri pun belum tentu boleh kena, Alan oi.....
QD250;283886 said:
just got me a summons:

Slim River
6 Aug 07
07:16 in the morning
km 388 North South Highway
laju dikesan: 153km/h


beware of the spot friends....

thats y only drive fast before day break! 3-6am
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