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Founding Member
Dec 4, 2004
Since we have lost the database of the old forum, I thought it might be interesting to know that another site have written about the BMW Club Malaysia AGM II meet up. There are also some photos to download... (Kahar, you & me were drooling over a car...)It would be nice if the other people who have taken some photos to download here. Please reduce the size to about 650 pixel width.. It make downloading easir for those who are on dial to page
Originally posted by mrhartge@Dec 19 2004, 07:13 AM bai-yeee...wheres the portfolio of elected commitee... :huh:
hartge, why you ask me? You should ask the prez DD or the secretary JBP or some of the protem committee member. I am just trying to revive the history of this club. It would be nice to know how the history of this club? How it is formed and who was the founder. How the club have evolve to it present stage.For your info, I know the founder is chester and he was elected as the first president during the 1st AGM meeting. Subsequently, DD was elected as the second president during the last AGM II..
Should include some girls in the pic too. Makes it more... "wholesome".(Yes, i spelt it correct with a 'w'...)
Originally posted by 3er@Dec 19 2004, 08:05 AM Should include some girls in the pic too. Makes it more "wholesome"....
during the AGM II, wliew was nominated but unfortunately she turn down the post due to her heavy schedule..but you can see from the members here, majority of them are male. It only recently we have more active participant from them... Maybe next year we would see them elected as committee members..
Originally posted by mctnesh@Dec 19 2004, 02:34 AM Jarance,My vote is for you!~!!*Im sure others will concur too :)
jarance will have my support! :D
Woh! Hold your horses guys. Part of the officialwebsite includes a special column dedicated to identify the founder of the club, past and present committee members with their hensem and beautiful photos and also a personal autobiography of their full time jobs, etc.....outgoing committee will be archived into the museum. Then some of the 1st and 2nd AGM photos will be posted under categorized sections under photo gallery.... B) So sabar.....thx jarance for the quick not to vote you as the President next year....hahaha...2cents, I sensed you're a a little 'homophobic' based on your "Man, all dis arms-around-d-shoulders thing in da foto makes d whole BMWclub look like a club for gays." statement......ekekek.....better declare I'm straight and innocent....don't know about the rest though....hahaha.... :D
Originally posted by Daredevil@Dec 19 2004, 03:42 PM Woh! Hold your horses guys. Part of the officialwebsite includes a special column dedicated to identify the founder of the club, past and present committee members with their hensem and beautiful photos and also a personal autobiography of their full time jobs, etc.....outgoing committee will be archived into the museum. Then some of the 1st and 2nd AGM photos will be posted under categorized sections under photo gallery.... B) So sabar.....thx jarance for the quick not to vote you as the President next year....hahaha...2cents, I sensed you're a a little 'homophobic' based on your "Man, all dis arms-around-d-shoulders thing in da foto makes d whole BMWclub look like a club for gays." statement......ekekek.....better declare I'm straight and innocent....don't know about the rest though....hahaha.... :D
Good try DD, but the pics prove otherwise.
Originally posted by flash@Dec 19 2004, 03:55 PM Good try DD, but the pics prove otherwise.
Wah you're really very observant....hahah....after a few beers and few glasses of wine and a night of fun.....what do you expect? hahaha....alvin was entertaining us with his superb singing talent....hahah...
Originally posted by Daredevil@Dec 19 2004, 08:42 PM Then some of the 1st and 2nd AGM photos will be posted under categorized sections under photo gallery.... B) So sabar.....thx jarance for the quick not to vote you as the President next year....hahaha...
i would like to nominate baiyee for president of the world...silap...bmwMalaysia.....any seconders....heh heh heh heh heh
Originally posted by flash@Dec 19 2004, 04:43 PM Have to admit, after a few beers and a few glasses of wine, one finds it hard to keep ones hands to himself... the hands wud move like the tentacles of a sotong...
Then keep it in your pockets.And then you can grin all night...haha!
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