530D Black Smoke

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Mar 29, 2005
Forummers, Here the storyboard how it was finally fixed. 1. Early April - when I pressed down to full throttle, the black smoke is heavily noticeable. 2. May - I sent my car to AB SC for regular service and mentioned this issue to them, they told me the problem is suspected due to breather valve stucked - amost commonly issue to diesel engine. 3. June - Get advise from Lee Motor SC. They suspected due to both breather valve and high pressure pump failed to give to correct specification. 4. Sept - I changed both breather valve and HP pump and drive for long distance from Kulim to malacca - the problem still there: the black smoke still very noticeable. I can feel the bikers can get sore throat sucking my black smoke. My bumper and rear bonnet is heavily deposited with black smoke. I was so dammed pissed off that I need to clean those stuff every time I went for long distance. Not to mention that the exhaust pipe has a lot of dirty sludge and need to do frequent cleaning. 5. Oct - Complaint again at AB about this issue not yet solved. They hook up the OBD and they said the AFM is at higher spec but not yet failed. They adviced me to change this. I however refused to change cause it cost me another RM2K+. 6. Nov - I sent my car to one of outside mechanics that used to maintain my previous E46. He dismantled the throttle body and and the inlet manifold. Very suprising he found out that the throttle inlet pipe almost blocked with the sludge and the inlet manifold is heavily deposited with the diesel by-product. He cleaned it up for almost 2 days using special chemical. Once all this done, the black smoke was minimised significantly. The mechanic told me after 2 days it should be gone due to left over inside the combustion chamber which cannot be removed. However after two days there was still sign of minimum black smoke and he couldnt do anything about it. 7. Nov end - Since I am so tired with the dirty tail pipe then I changed the exhaust pipe that are facing downward so that all the smoke flows down to the ground and nobody cant see how dirty is the tailpipe 8. Early Dec - Never satisfied with the black smoke, I sent again to AB for sofware upgrade and reset all DDE to factory setting. Well... not much improvement. 9. End Dec - Two days ago I decided to try my luck by fixing it myself. Note that I have some experiences in fixing the car during my student time. a. I dismantled again the breather valve, cleaned it up and checked the valve is still in good working condition. b. I dismantled the air filter. Suprisingly, I found the air filter is not mounted properly. Tthe mounted rubber is not mount nicely into the mounter until the rubber is torn out and covered almost 40% of the air inlet to the AFM (Air mass flow meter). This is workmanship issue of SC staff. c. I dismantled the throttle body and inlet manifold. The throttle body is so dirty until you hardly see the metal surface. There is metal shaft/rod that I think is meant to control the air flow seems already stucked. I used the brake cleaner chemical to remove this and after that I soaked into WD40? to ensure to shaft can be freely moved. d. I cleaned the inlet manifold until all the sludge is removed. It took me about 6 hours to clean this up. After putting back all the stuff and at first engine cranking the car start and the most suprising thing is not black smoke at all. NO BLACK SMOKE ..... I have beend driving for 2 days and every time when I parked the car, I will rammed the engine and asked my wife or kinds to check and really no smoke at all. Conclusion : The air filter mounting rubber blocked the aFM to cause not enough air to go in. After many months, due to fuel riched ratio (inefficient burning) the sludge deposited around throttle body and inlet manifold to cause the rod stucked and failed to further control the air intake. Hope this will be a guidance to any of the diesel owners.
that shows only one thing and one thing only in life.....

when u put ur mind to it and want something done right, u gotta do it urself...

kudos to u mate!
what a champion you are !
if you decide to open workshop, it will be a successful one!
Great job!! Got a pic of the problematic area where you wrote "air filter mounting rubber blocked the aFM to cause not enough air to go in"? That sounds like a design flaw, isn't it?
Thanks guys!

Actually it is not really a very difficult job. It just need courage to do it. My mistake I did not take a shot on all this eventough I got camera in my pocket. Later I will try to snap few photos on the flaws and post it to you.

Now I am a happy man....
How come nobody think that the black smoke is cause by not enough air? Surely, people at Ab should be able to diagnose this. It is unfortunately that sometime people rely too much on diagnostic tool to tell you what wrong with the car when a simple problem like partial blockage of the air intake is the culprite.

Kudo for solving the problem yourself and sharing this with us. I remember the time when we encounter black smoke, the first thing the mechanic check is the air filter...
btw, what is the brake cleaner fluid that you use to clean the throttle body. It is something like de-greaser? brand and specification plz?
Great thinking, R37720 and thanks for sharing this with us. Would have cost you a bundle had you left this to the workshops to handle. Something for us oil burners to really take note. Trust you have informed AB SC about the air filter mounting. Got to kick some arse otherwise they will continue to go their merry way..
jarance;273674 said:
btw, what is the brake cleaner fluid that you use to clean the throttle body. It is something like de-greaser? brand and specification plz?

This is like degreaser but it fast dry. I will get planta (one of the member) to give you the brand since he is the one who supply it to me. Very effective cleaner.
jarance;273673 said:
How come nobody think that the black smoke is cause by not enough air? Surely, people at Ab should be able to diagnose this. It is unfortunately that sometime people rely too much on diagnostic tool to tell you what wrong with the car when a simple problem like partial blockage of the air intake is the culprite.

Kudo for solving the problem yourself and sharing this with us. I remember the time when we encounter black smoke, the first thing the mechanic check is the air filter...

I think most of the mechanics knows that the black smoke is caused by in-effective burning (fuel riched mixture). That is why they said that the breather valve is stucked that during high acceleration in whcih valve cannot breath and cause the fuel riched. The same goes to high pressure pump that the pressure is out of spec, on higher side, that delivered a lot of fuel to the combustion chamber. While the theory of AFM is that the sensor can't accurately read the right amount of air to be sucked into the inlet manifold. This is like doing the FMEA (failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and they all are potential problem. However they never though of simple problem that the air cleaner mounting rubber has blocked the air flowing to the AFM. This is the first step they have to check as one of our member had mentioned.
A round of applause for r37720! :41: :41: :41:

Props to you, mate. Well done and thanks for sharing with us! :top:
u r the diesel daddy. great job. the sc that changed your air filter need to be shot.
It was 2 years ago I post this and now I am going to do again on my 530d. What I am going to do is

1. Clean the MAF
2. Change air filter
3. Clean the EGR valve
4. Clean the inlet manifold
5. Clean the oil seperator

This is now becomes regular maintenance for diesel owner to eliminate the black smoke.

Not to mention I may need to refurbish the turbo unit.
r37720;481337 said:
It was 2 years ago I post this and now I am going to do again on my 530d. What I am going to do is

1. Clean the MAF
2. Change air filter
3. Clean the EGR valve
4. Clean the inlet manifold
5. Clean the oil seperator

This is now becomes regular maintenance for diesel owner to eliminate the black smoke.

Not to mention I may need to refurbish the turbo unit.

I have completed the activities. It took me about 4 hours x 2 days job.

1. I clean the MAF using electronics contact cleaner
2. Air filter still good so i did not replace
3. EGR valve has a lot of sludge deposited until the mechanical valve seems stuck... using diesel and degreaser with the help to toothbrush able to clean it up
4. The inlet valve need heavy works. Initially I remove the swirl flap one by one. Take out all the rubber gasket and after that soak the manifold into diesel overnight to soften the sludge
5. I replace the breather valve ..cost me RM300.

The installation is pretty quick since this is my second time project.

Results superb..the black smoke almost can be noticed at high acceleration and I also able to improve on few flat spot during fast acceleration.

You are awesome! I will definitely look this up next time there's any black smoke!
For sometime I've been toying the idea of getting a 530D. I luv the spec. Haven't test driven one but from what i have gathered it is one superb car. Nearest is I have test drove 320D and I must say it was just as good as 325. Only if we had Euro 4 diesel i would not hesitate to get one.

Test drove passat CC for 240K with 5 years warranty i think it is a value buy. Performance wise it is better than 325 but handling and build quality bmw is any time better. Passat cc frame less door feels very flimsy. I did not get the confident feel when i close the door. Frameless door of cc is putting me off.

There is one 06 530D for sale done about 80K for about 200K. My only fear is will it be a reliable car as my work requires me to be at work within 15 minutes late nights(eg 3 am). So far my accord so reliable never have broken down or fail to start. Just that got no ump to drive. Further more i'm looking for a safer car.

My usage of any car is rather low about 15K a year an only takes 10 to 15 minutes to reach my work place and hardly any traffic.

Is it easy to maintain and repair 530D? Can any other than autobavaria repair 530D?

I appreciate any feedback from those who have any experience with 530D.


Wah...very hero! So impressed. Every 530d driver must be bookmarking this page under the title, "What to do when the black smoke drives you insane"
I initially have negative feeling when i want to own this 530d. People keep on talking the black smoke due to dirty diesel but with the periodic maintenance as mentioned, this will not be an issue any more. I learnt this from the UK and Europe diesel owners.

With the 500 Nm torque, you will feel the G-force anytime and that is something petrol engine cant give.... furthermore with kancil fuel consumption. full tank (RM120) can easily takes you to 750 - 800 km journey. Thisi s with hard accelerelation. I never do lightly footeed kind of acceleration.

Another interesting point, this car has the highest spec within its family.. A few to mention ...confortable seat (10 adjustment) and sunroof.

Now I am becoming a diesel lover...next target X5 diesel.

my current and previous beast



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