Well... Honda Accord is new while E60 is 6 years old now... it will be replaced by a new model latest by next year...
FC for 530d is good... but BMW's diesel engine is built for
Euro 2M grade which is still not available in Malaysia yet. But source mentioned that it will be available by this September... then there will be less smoke and your BMW's engine can perform at its optimum level... at the moment, our diesel's quality is still not suitable for those Continental cars with Diesel engine... otherwise, you will end up changing the oil filter more often that you could possible imagine.
Japanese cars are always cheaper to maintain and less hassle compared to their Continental part... but then, we all love the look of E60 right???
Go for petrol version of E60 if possible... long term maintenance will sound attractive to you right now... but bear in mind that the maintenance cost for BMW is not for the faint hearted. Many E60 drivers can confirm this...