Quake hits Sumatra, tremor felt in Singapore

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Seems like there's more and more tremors in the region in the last couple of years. Eventhough we are not that close but we are not entirely shielded too. As we experienced from the 2004 tsunami.
Don't forget that our highrise buildings aren't exactly designed to withstand earthquake. Not sure how safe they can be if ever there's an earthquake strong enough to sway our grounds..
I think on discovery/national geographic there was a program studying the cause of the 2004 earthquake.....chances are there is one coming soon. And in this year's prediction by some astrologer, there will be one in the later part of the year (last quarter).
Yup, many felt "the earth" moved at JB. When they realized that it was from the earthquake at Sumatra and not the *ahem* "BIG O", offices were evacuated. Some had to close their offices for the rest of the day! Half day off!

First the flood, now tremors, what next?
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