Wta - bulbs for e30

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Nov 29, 2005
:) Dear friend.... How to get a brighter light for E30? Not to say HID aar..just a simple and economical way (cheaper than HID laa).. Standard bulb for E30 is 12/55w which is yellowish, could we just change to bulb to 12/100w without relay as for japs car?(you have to use relay otherwise it will melt the socket) P/S - I had just blew my HID yesterday(bought new from Ah Wai and installed by him) for RM500-00...dunno what exactly happened, first it turn yellowish instead of white, then padam.....yang paling sakit jiwa, it comes with no guarantee, have to modified to fix it into E30 light, so the whole set cannot be use anymore!!buang jee...ganti mentol pun tak boleh...so guys, dont go for a cheap HID...just not worth it... :(
DingChavez said:
sad dude. apa macam sekarang? long time no hear

Allo Ding...ko tu yang tah pegi mana-mana, hilang ghaib macam tu jee...barang yang ko nak tu aku dah simpan lama dah...

Back to topic..bring my car to mech, he cannot find anything wrong, menyala elok je lampu tu....btw, does anybody can answer my first question??:confused:
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