slyder;770538 said:If you choose to surround yourself with the norm or mediocre, you will end up being mediocre. If you surround yourself with awesomeness you will push yourself for awesomeness. Once you have a high goal you will strive for more and not be lazy![]()
kevin1982my;791202 said:Good choice.
Social scientists have proven in an experiment involving kids and observing them over 30 years that kids who can practice 'delayed gratification' became more successful after 30 years compared to those who can't.
Also, if u can delay it for a few years, you might be making 20k by then, and more than able to afford it.
But you can always argue that we only live once and we might not be around tmr. That is correct. But what if u are still around?
I know somebody who was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor gave him 6 months to live. He finished all his savings, but then 6 years later, he is still around, broke, and miserable.
Drolling over something is a very good way to motivate you to work harder towards whatever that u are drolling after. Remember the time when we were going after our gfs/wife? Promising ourselves to work hard to give them a good life?
thats like 10% per annum..... :Sashworth;811621 said:I'm taking a 5yr loan with 120k D/p, installment already 3k, unless you willing to stretch to 9 yrs @ 90% but dun expect to sell it within 5 yrs or you have to pay to sell your car...but if not brand concious why BMW??
ashworth;811621 said:I'm taking a 5yr loan with 120k D/p, installment already 3k, unless you willing to stretch to 9 yrs @ 90% but dun expect to sell it within 5 yrs or you have to pay to sell your car...but if not brand concious why BMW??
madrazcbr;770174 said:Sorry guys ... very new here ...
As the topic says ... or do you need to earn more to enjoy having a brand new 328 in your porch ...
Let say a normal person :
1) not smoking
2) does not believe on branded item
3) no kids
4) good budget planner
5) car installment around RM2700 a month ..
Val101;816563 said:Reading 19 pages of discussion about this Subject Matter is really making me Sick! Hello, your Money is Good enough to get you the Car you want to Buy if you really want to get it! Sure if you want to do investment with the said Income per month you earn, you wont be here talking to us about you getting a Car in the First Place. Now the Thread is going Off and on Topic, You even went to test drive a BMW means you know you can be able to Afford why debating on this issue when almost 60% of BMW Owner's or if not more than that don't earn 10k a month Salary before they owned their first BMW (Am among the 60%:top
According to InnitiaM "The Sheer Driving Pleasure of Ultimate Diving Machine is priceless. Enuff said, now go and get your BMW!"
According to InnitiaM "The Sheer Driving Pleasure of Ultimate Diving Machine is priceless. Enuff said, now go and get your BMW!"
shawn_esr;816662 said:^ Very very well said. If nothing more it's starting to sound like a 'valueless boast' in an attempt of gathering information. If it isn't I do apologize however, a BMW IS AN INVESTMENT. That's how I view it at least. It's easier to handle brand conscious clients, if you're a business owner it builds your company image, it gives your employees something to talk about (if you're a good boss or colleague or peer it'll be a topic of good deeds) and the list goes on and on and~~~ on.
Of course, the greatest benefit of a BMW is the smile you get every morning when you're greeted by that acoustic sound as you fob it in and your start up routine begins. Even more so when you're driving in a traffic jam and (no nothing to do with ego or feeling superior but) you realize you're probably in a more comfortable environment than most around you. A good start to a day is what makes a good day.
I know someone who loves beemers so much he owned his first at 2k and that e36 that he first bought back then (10 years-ish) is the very reason he is who and where he is today. So as Val says,
Val101;816664 said:Shawn what you stated above is just like you are talking about me and it has nothing to do with ego or feeling superior but thats the Truth! And because of your above Stated reasons...i got a BMW! This is perfect " It's easier to handle brand conscious clients, if you're a business owner it builds your company image, it gives your employees something to talk about" Thank you for this sentence!:top: