To all, I think paying joining and subscription fees to be a member is just fine. But there are definitely several factors to consider:
1. The club committee is responsible and accountable for all monies collected.
2. They have to continuously regulate the rules & membership of the club.
3. They have to constantly make the club eventful & purposeful.
All the three above requires a great deal of sacrifice and time on the part of the committee - much of it is usually thankless. So, I take the opportunity to thank the commitee for their dedication to this club - it is tough work!
I am a member on many forums locally and internationally, on the subject of cars and others. I do not pay anything to be a member. These forums have brick & mortar clubs, too. I only pay subscription fees if I participate in the brick & mortar club.
BMWCM has taken the road to have members join up, even to participate in forums - entirely their call. TTs and other gatherings seem to need a sanction from BMWCM to go ahead. BMWCM keeps reminding us they are the only official club here, so far.
1. Current membership will fall to the numbers that have signed up. I think the committee knows this and have designed it this way. Well and good, because they can concentrate on actual members.
2.BMW fans who don't own or who are aspiring to one one, would drop out, too.
RESULT: These people who drop out will then start another club, maybe calling it the BMW FAN CLUB. It would be open to all who want to "forumize" and who hope to own a BMW and for those who just like BMWs. They, will then build up on their membership, go to BMW International and say, "Look, we have this large number of members and want to be recognised as an official BMW Club". They will also do the same for BMW Malaysia. They will get this recognition they ask for because in the future, there will be someone or a few people or many people; who have appreciated this fan club, have come up in life, economically wise and have the money to buy a BMW or several BMWs. And because each person knows at least 200 people.
I personally became a BMW fan because my ex-boss loves BMWs and would usually buy many BMWs each year. Plus at the same time, looking was not enough. A friend let me test drive his brother's brand new E28 520i at that time. I was sold. I didn't have the money and could not afford a car at that time. I told myself, "When I buy BMW, it must be new". Now, I am on my third BMW in 7 years.