What u think is lacking on e36?

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E36 has way too small driver legroom....
ever since i traded her in for an E39, it is like a new fresh breath of air!
crappy a/c, glove compartment, pillars (as all mentioned), kreeaakkkieeeee! & horrid tyre wear.
other than all these....
its still the sexiest 3 series, IMHO.
ELnino;539751 said:
in terms of power...i saw one e36 kena cucuk dengan MYVII....what the hell...

A lot of daredevil MYVI drivers out there. I wouldn't dare drive with that kinda speed on a MYVI though. Too scary.
kayzhen911;539797 said:
E36 has way too small driver legroom....
ever since i traded her in for an E39, it is like a new fresh breath of air!
crappy a/c, glove compartment, pillars (as all mentioned), kreeaakkkieeeee! & horrid tyre wear.
other than all these....
its still the sexiest 3 series, IMHO.

That's like comparing a Kancil with a Perdana. Pretty darn obvious you'll be getting better legroom compared to the E39.

Personally I won't complain about anything on the E36 except for the fact that I think they should have made the driving position in the RHD to be the exact same as the LHD.

I'm not sure what you mean by horrid tire wear though. Were you suffering from bad tire wear when you owned your E36?
loafer;539828 said:
That's like comparing a Kancil with a Perdana. Pretty darn obvious you'll be getting better legroom compared to the E39.

comparing E36 with smaller cars dude....:thefinger:
kayzhen911;539834 said:
loafer;539828 said:
That's like comparing a Kancil with a Perdana. Pretty darn obvious you'll be getting better legroom compared to the E39.

comparing E36 with smaller cars dude....:thefinger:

Try comparing something during that era. Maybe it'll be a better comparison.
ELnino;539751 said:
in terms of power...i saw one e36 kena cucuk dengan MYVII....what the hell...

Either E36 318 or the driver jus couldn't be bother wt stuntman Myvi driver.
initialM;535165 said:
That is nothing compare to the sound of 6 individual throttle:smokin:

How's yr ///M3?

Not mine la, only babysitting for my brother who's overseas studying.
The car is good. Enjoy driving it but fuel consumption is :eek: if you drive it hard.

kayzhen911;539797 said:
E36 has way too small driver legroom....
ever since i traded her in for an E39, it is like a new fresh breath of air!
crappy a/c, glove compartment, pillars (as all mentioned), kreeaakkkieeeee! & horrid tyre wear.
other than all these....
its still the sexiest 3 series, IMHO.

How tall are you? I am 5' 10 and have no problems.
dude maxxxxx.....
wat i mean is the lower leg room lar....
im kinda used to big ones (where the foot pedals are...) available in JDMs....
a bit too cramped for my style...
or maybe, im too old liao....
kayzhen911;540240 said:
dude maxxxxx.....
wat i mean is the lower leg room lar....
im kinda used to big ones (where the foot pedals are...) available in JDMs....
a bit too cramped for my style...
or maybe, im too old liao....

Actually i believe the LHD have better lower leg room. I noticed in our RHD cars when we're sitting in the front passenger side we're not exactly looking straight. It's a little bit offset to the right.

A friend of mine did say that our cars were designed primarily as a LHD car hence the better driving position and space on the left side but this wasn't re-designed when the RHD versions of the cars were introduced.
as mentioned by others, the dash and interior not having the same solid "quality" feel of e30/e34
so what do the e34 has that the e36 don't have? e34 is older in design though... is it true the e34 is better in the highway?
and does the 525i '94 vanos as fast as 04 525 e60?
Major set back for the car today is lack of safety.. only 1 half star NCAP ratings. Chances of surviving a crash is much higher in a Waja then an E36.. :(
Hi guys..

Don't really belong in this thread as I'm an E34-er. But just wanted to share I owned a Perdana before this, and when I got my E34 I was actually shocked by the leg room. In the Perdana you can almost do leg exercises and stretches while in traffic, but with the BM your legs have to be nearly straight all the time! And this is a 5 series. I have heard many complaitns about BMWs due to lack of space....this would be down to space required for the extra technology in these cars. Can't complain...I won't go back to a Perdana ever, after tasting the cramped though awesome BMW. =)
Apart from loafer's LHD explaination, the limited front leg room in BMW cars are because the BMW engineers are trying to push the 6-pot inline engine as far back as possible so the front heavy effect is minimised. I prefer a well balance chassis car over a huge leg room car, anytime! :top:

The manual E36 RHD footwell has all 3 pedal squeezed next to each other. Folks with big foot may accidentally slam on the brake pedal when depressing clutch.. :p need some time to get familiarized with the pedal positions.. :D
Hammer278;540631 said:
... Don't really belong in this thread as I'm an E34-er. But just wanted to share I owned a Perdana before this, and when I got my E34 I was actually shocked by the leg room. In the Perdana you can almost do leg exercises and stretches while in traffic, but with the BM your legs have to be nearly straight all the time! And this is a 5 series...
probably also due to the fact that e34 is an 80s design whilst the Perdana based on car designed in the 90s. see the shape agak-agak can tell they're from different generation. I think Al posted in some other thread about the general trend and rationale for increase in space over time.
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