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535i;418506 said:
Be a man - if not happy with me - call me laaa .. basket !!:rock:

Woit - long time no yum-cha laaa .. :love: .. Miss the good old days .. :top:

u apasal manyak sibuk arr...., in SG still want to disturb MY punya hal. SG BMW wants you...hehehehe. dun la yumcha alone, ajak oso. zoggee promised me bkt so long dy, until babi selsema also come out....:wink:
....for BlackE90...its to know when & where got party...yeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa
535i;418506 said:
Be a man - if not happy with me - call me laaa .. basket !!:rock:

Woit - long time no yum-cha laaa .. :love: .. Miss the good old days .. :top:

Ahak...I know you will come. Let's come together gether.:top: We can have the grand old days at gymkhana la bang.:wink:
jarance;418498 said:
Are you talking about me just because I still have your screwdriver. :love:

p/s how is pocky?

My late father use to say...the Kwai Lan ppl never change.
535i;418506 said:
Be a man - if not happy with me - call me laaa .. basket !!:rock:

Woit - long time no yum-cha laaa .. :love: .. Miss the good old days .. :top:

Yes bro, Miss The Good Old Days.:love:
ramsing;418508 said:
u apasal manyak sibuk arr...., in SG still want to disturb MY punya hal. SG BMW wants you...hehehehe. dun la yumcha alone, ajak oso. zoggee promised me bkt so long dy, until babi selsema also come out....:wink:

shuddup la Lamsing .. go and play with your KONI ...

Your KONI from where ? if not from SG ..
Zoggee;418514 said:
Ahak...I know you will come. Let's come together gether.:top: We can have the grand old days at gymkhana la bang.:wink:

Mr Hwang .. kenot bring M5 anymore .. The damage after gymkhana too ek-pensive ...

KONI - gone
Steering box - gone
Tie-rod - gone
Ball-joint - gone

Car too heavy laaa ..

Maybe bring the E30 next time ..

Better still - bring Myvi .. Myvi better than BMW maaa . :top:
535i;418530 said:
Mr Hwang .. kenot bring M5 anymore .. The damage after gymkhana too ek-pensive ...

KONI - gone
Steering box - gone
Tie-rod - gone
Ball-joint - gone

Car too heavy laaa ..

Maybe bring the E30 next time ..

Better still - bring Myvi .. Myvi better than BMW maaa . :top:

Yeah lor..BMW sucks. Spent like
-ball joints..manyak mahal. * of course I change to new one*
-wheel bearing manyak mahal*new one too..*

satu kali play ...aiya rosak.

Long Live Toyota..here's what I've done.

-Ball joint..* change new....maynak murah*
-wheel bearings alamak RM27 sahaja..??? play until I dunno when gona kaput.~
main speang manyak kali...tarak problem pun.
..hehe..once I kaputing the rear diff....a friend who says he can drives,drove the car and kaputing the rear axle. haiya....You think you good meh?
jarance;418572 said:
So far, I can see old timer posting here. What about the rest?

The rest I think they not serious with your "daughter".. :p .. same here.. :D
535i;418530 said:
Mr Hwang .. kenot bring M5 anymore .. The damage after gymkhana too ek-pensive ...

KONI - gone
Steering box - gone
Tie-rod - gone
Ball-joint - gone

Car too heavy laaa ..

Maybe bring the E30 next time ..

Better still - bring Myvi .. Myvi better than BMW maaa . :top:

Come come bring E30.... :p but have to wait till I sort out the gearbox first... :p
This forum has been my main online source of infotainment for couple of years now. I think I am now addicted to this forum la, with all the substance as well as crap inside. The worst thing is, some stuff that takes place here can actually affect my mood. The forum is number 3 on my list behind AFF & FB.

So long story cut short, the forum means something to me:)
Ai yoo, I get better DIY by surfing the internet....:top:

But this is one place where I can get my daily fix of tok kok, chatting, etc.

jeffreyewe;418331 said:
Nothing comes for free.

then again, information can be easily accessible via Google. It's just a matter of spending some time searching for it.

Therefore, on wheather the DIY section is only available to OM or not, it doesn't matter.

sirap limau berbuih, satu!
flash;418602 said:
Ai yoo, I get better DIY by surfing the internet....:top:

But this is one place where I can get my daily fix of tok kok, chatting, etc.

That I have to agree but with local flavor where got?

eg.. where can you get customize fiber body kit from under the pokok?:listen:
climenta;418591 said:
This forum has been my main online source of infotainment for couple of years now. I think I am now addicted to this forum la, with all the substance as well as crap inside. The worst thing is, some stuff that takes place here can actually affect my mood. The forum is number 3 on my list behind AFF & FB.

So long story cut short, the forum means something to me:)

bro, I think you need to go out more often. :listen:
jarance;418614 said:
bro, I think you need to go out more often. :listen:

I go out a lot also la, but I need to get a life soon. Too much of virtual crap ady, lucky there is no such thing as virtual booze:D

seems like a common theme coming out from the General Discussion thread..... the OTAI's reminiscing about the good old days......

maaf ye atuk-atuk..... cucu tumpang lalu......

on another note: wei! why not do a down memory lane activity...... 2 days 1 night revisit of TT, PNDC, ss15 for HH, night cap, char quat teow, 3 am TT.... etc... the full she-bang..... amacam??

soli ar latuk..... from your cucu (Gen X,Y,Z,??)

p.s.: to that guy on AFF & FB..... i thot u oso on DIA..... ahaks....
climenta;418591 said:
This forum has been my main online source of infotainment for couple of years now. I think I am now addicted to this forum la, with all the substance as well as crap inside. The worst thing is, some stuff that takes place here can actually affect my mood. The forum is number 3 on my list behind AFF & FB.

So long story cut short, the forum means something to me:)

Wah AFF!!! No wonder so many FBIs there!!:wink::rolleyes:
jarance;418572 said:
So far, I can see old timer posting here. What about the rest?

What are the rest to say ? Its nice to see everyone here set aside their differences and post things that dont piss each other off. Sad to say though that it took a spineless insipid like Chester to start this fellowship. Everyone of you now know that we can all take this club to greater heights. So work at it, it is not only the committees job to steer the club to greater heights.

Peace to all
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