What Fuel is the Best for UDM

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initially used mobil for abt 1 year (because the rewarded point can be use imediately, any other petrol station can??? i know shell can't)... then i switched to shell ( initially feels that it is better then mobil, but then after sometimes.....) then while go back to my home town my car gets to taste petronas.....

so overall, i feels that the petronas is the most average petrol within these 3 lah (ya, i tried BP, that's sucks, opps.........) with mobil the fuel comsumption is less i think, but the engine harsh a bit, shell is powerful lah, but then high fuel consumption....
have tried all the brands available in Malaysia but find Projet the best..bit reluctant to try in the begining but now i only use Projet..must say the car feels more powerful, smooth and has given me better mileage per tankful ..i have stop using all other brands now, except in absolute emergency!!

Me on SHELL fuel...mainly bcoz me got BONUS link card :D For me all brand of fuel Caltex, Petronas, Pro jet or whatever you name it...it's doesn't make any difference.
Me think only the psychological effect ..same as after you wash your car lar you will feel your car more smoother and engine more respond he he :yes:

no such thing as the best fuel for bmw or other cars. all fuel brands are more or less same. just choose whichever u like regardless whether u get bonuslink points, or psychologically makes your car go faster or etc....

i use all brands of fuel. whichever is nearer to me, i just fill n pay.....
Actually different fuel does affect the performance and engine smoothness... But then again, different type of engines oso can be a factor.... M20 may be good using brand A, then M50 may be good for Brand B, M54 may be good when using Brand D...

And then engine health can also be a factor. take 5 of the similar engines ie M50B25 from E36 325i, test may return different feedbacks using the same brand and from the same petrol kiosk... there's a lot of variables involved if a proper were to be conducted...

So use what u feel is good....
I concur with Iceman, tried Projet and can feel its smooth, cant comment on power, think its all the same. But I noticed I get better mileage with Shell. Been with Shell for a long long time, and if there are more Projet stations around, will try it long term and assess if I can get similar mileage.

For the time being, will stick with Shell.
Hi everyone. I dont know whether this is true or not but I dont mind saying it out. I have a friend who is a PETROL surveyor for a foreign based company. According to him Shell V-Power is the same petrol as the normal petrol. I asked him why is it expensive and his answer made sense. " Because of the colouring". V-Power is blue so it is expensive to add colour to the normal petrol! He even added that people feel it is powerfull because of the advertisement and the price. ( phsycollogy). He said SHELL petrol is the most refined or cleanest petrol. I used to stick to SHELL but now I dont because according to him Petronas has the same quality as SHELL. Esso and BP has the lowest and dirty graded petrol. Caltex gives higher mileage. Now I use Petronas and I feel that I have power and a bit higher mileage then Shell. I forgot to ask him about Projet. He said Mobil also provides good quality petrol. This is according to my friend. But I have switched to Petronas.
Originally posted by vladd_tappish@Mar 18 2005, 03:59 AM
Hi everyone. I dont know whether this is true or not but I dont mind saying it out. I have a friend who is a PETROL surveyor for a foreign based company. According to him Shell V-Power is the same petrol as the normal petrol. I asked him why is it expensive and his answer made sense. " Because of the colouring". V-Power is blue so it is expensive to add colour to the normal petrol! He even added that people feel it is powerfull because of the advertisement and the price. ( phsycollogy). He said SHELL petrol is the most refined or cleanest petrol. I used to stick to SHELL but now I dont because according to him Petronas has the same quality as SHELL. Esso and BP has the lowest and dirty graded petrol. Caltex gives higher mileage. Now I use Petronas and I feel that I have power and a bit higher mileage then Shell. I forgot to ask him about Projet. He said Mobil also provides good quality petrol. This is according to my friend. But I have switched to Petronas.
'....lowest and dirty graded petrol" I thought all petrol are the same, except for the different additives that differentiate the petrols.
sigh...there are no shortage of so called petrol and oil 'experts' always willing to give their two cents when it comes to such questions. :D

personally I use Caltex, because their petrol has techron added. techron is reknown for their injector cleaning properties. In the US it is sold under the brandname of Chevron. one more thing is that the M20B25 were designed to run on 87 octane fuel. I have been using 92 octane fuel (minyak merah) on my 325i without any problem. The engine runs smooth and happily.

Originally posted by vladd_tappish@Mar 18 2005, 04:59 PM
I asked him why is it expensive and his answer made sense. " Because of the colouring". V-Power is blue so it is expensive to add colour to the normal petrol!
Thot the color is just to identify the ron no.. :blink: got an experience of pouring leaded fuel (red) into my bike few years back using a green nozzle at shell.. :angry:

Anyway I'm using Petronas right now.. lot of kiosk everywhere..
bla bla bla bla........."this petrol increases the performance of my car...... "

unless u think u can reach your office 0.5 seconds faster than your colleague, go find the best fuel for your car. how can u say the best fuel?
too many variables and factors............

what, shell is the best coz it makes f1 ferrari cars go faster...... :huh:
Originally posted by MONT-OYA@Mar 17 2005, 11:09 PM
Me on SHELL fuel...mainly bcoz me got BONUS link card :D For me all brand of fuel Caltex, Petronas, Pro jet or whatever you name it...it's doesn't make any difference.
Me think only the psychological effect ..same as after you wash your car lar you will feel your car more smoother and engine more respond he he :yes:

:yahoo: :eek:k: I feel the same as you and I happened to run petrol station about 9 years and I was with Caltex but most of the time I fill Shell and no problem it runs like a bom too.
I'm not sure if there's any diff btw the petrols but if ther wuz, mktg depts of every oil company in M'sia will be taking milking the info to get better attention. :blink:
Originally posted by ehoe@Mar 17 2005, 02:10 PM
What about Shell V-Power, read somewhere in the forum before that it was actually not good for UDM's?. Any truth to this and what is the reasoning behing it?.

Anyway V-Power you do get better pickup but the fuel consumption also picked up!. :eek: I'm not a supporter for any particular brand but just pump which ever is on the way or convinient. :rofl:
I was told that V-power is not suitable for high compression engines. Mine's at 11.1x and feels that the car loses some ummph too. Heard that it has an appetite for O2 sensors as well.

Have been filling Projet for a while now. Same stuff as Petronas' as it comes from PSR2 in Melaka. No complains.
I believe unless you take your engine to the limit every time, the petrol does not make any SIGNIFICANT difference.

Zoggee test drove a Toyota Starlet with 4AGE engine - took it almost to 8,000 rpm and there was knocking when filled with Mobil Synergy F1, but no problem when running on Projet. I remembered JPB's car also had knocking when he dragged his E46 on Mobil Synergy F1.
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