What Fuel is the Best for UDM

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Jan 27, 2005
Sifus,What fuel is the Best for UDM's somebody told me Caltex or Shell is the Best ? i am on Mobil now... :dunno: Please feedbackUDM Rules
My company only use shell....so I have to use shell engine oil and petrol.

Personally, I'll use Caltex if using my own money.
I am on Petronas and Projet. I feel Petronas gives me more mileage and Projet gives the extra power. Most of the time, I am on Petronas as Projet stations are always out of the way :(
Used to be faithful to Shell for many years until I was told to give Petronas and Projet a try. Now comparing between the 3 brands, I think Shell sucks big time (sorry to those avid Shell supporter. This is only my personal opinion B) )
Fabian, Bazet..... since you guys are singing high praises of caltex, what are its advantageous features that lead you to single it out from the rest? Good to find out though :D and might just give it a try as well.
i have tested few brands namely petronas, projet, shell, caltex n bp n i would say petronas n projet is for me. both gave me smooth powerful ride n of coz a good mileage than the others. that's just the outcome of my analysis
:ph34r: really really can feel n tell the diff of the petrol? Or is it just the set up of the petrol stations?

Hmmmmmmmmm...wish could use jet fuel!
What about Shell V-Power, read somewhere in the forum before that it was actually not good for UDM's?. Any truth to this and what is the reasoning behing it?.

Anyway V-Power you do get better pickup but the fuel consumption also picked up!. :eek: I'm not a supporter for any particular brand but just pump which ever is on the way or convinient. :rofl:
sometimes i use caltex.

sometimes i also use shell.

wait a min, at times i go to esso too

hang on hang on, sometimes i also use petronas.

but then gain, on ad hoc basis, i do go to mobil as well.

wait a min, ive been to project b4, havent i?

owh nvm, ive been to all... :D

bro soo, frankly, when yer petrol is due, just go to nearest petrol station k ... less one headache now rite? :)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by ehoe@Mar 17 2005, 01:10 AM
What about Shell V-Power, read somewhere in the forum before that it was actually not good for UDM's?. Any truth to this and what is the reasoning behing it?.

Anyway V-Power you do get better pickup but the fuel consumption also picked up!. :eek: I'm not a supporter for any particular brand but just pump which ever is on the way or convinient. :rofl:
.... but V-Power is so expensive-lar. As it is the normal petrol costs an arm and a leg already, where got money to buy V-power? :(
I'm on Mobil or Esso, occasionally caltex. Was a strong supporter of shell, but find that the engine is rough and comsumption rises.

Synergy F1 gives me better mileage and engine sounds and runs smoother.
I'm usually on Shell swapping between normal and V Power. On occasions Mobil if i cant help it.

The minimum RON is 95 for the UDM. So make sure you feed it the correct diet. :)
3er: With individual knock sensors in modern BMW's, we can run on 89RON fuel if the need be right?

I believed i've pumped real crap fuel on the way to Kota Baru before..

Else, i just normally pump whatever station happens to be nearby when im running low and feel like topping up.

As long as i pump the V-Power, Synergy F1 or whatever premium fuel they're peddling..
Originally posted by c-square@Mar 16 2005, 10:30 PM
Fabian, Bazet..... since you guys are singing high praises of caltex, what are its advantageous features that lead you to single it out from the rest? Good to find out though :D and might just give it a try as well.
I just felt that Caltex give more ommmph than the duo ( Petronas & Shell )

Eat minyak like no tomorrow......

Feels like i'm using 85 RON fuel, the engine work harder to combust the fuel.

I feel like using 100 ron race petrol...he heh..

Maybe just imagination
another thing is to go to newer petrol station and those which have high traffic going in and out.... was said to have less sediments in the underground storage tank... it makes sense in a way....
Three weeks ago used Shell

Two weeks ago used PETRONAS

A Week ago used BP

Today used Caltex

IMHO Doesn't make a difference la....mileage almost the same for all (except cannot yet tell for Caltex as only refueled today) even pick up sama saja
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