The CIF prices listed are as follows:-
BMW 116i RM68,941
BMW 118i RM76,588
BMW 120i RM83,834
BMW 318Ci RM103,050
BMW 320i RM91,545 ( in Spore OMV is SGD 39622 = RM90338)
BMW 325i RM106,629 (in Spore OMV is SGD 50608 = RM115 386)
BMW 330i A RM121,614
BMW 520i RM111,000
BMW 525D RM148,148
BMW 530D RM169,432
BMW 530i RM168,315
BMW 545i M161,359
What happened to 523i & 525i, is it bcos only CKD sold ?
Is the list provided only for CBU cars? If got CKD then u cannot import CBU?