Ulu Yam Drive

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heheeh... can ask eeric oso. u 3 MCS are like the 3 musketeers. :) then we'll be overwhelmed by minis.

Hei guys, I have been keeping quiet so that you guys can argue until the kingdom come. The truth is, I am a coward with a brand new car that I don't wish to thrash around. It was a great drive with my good friend BM5, it wasn't a challenge. I have no doubt that BM5 is so much a better driver than I am. Remember that BLINDABLIDZ( can't bloody remember the spelling !!) who was trying to chase after me in his 528 while I was In my Boxster 2.5 then? By the way, I was so proud that he claimed I was flying at almost 200km per hr.. But on the other Saturday with BM5, I wasn't prepared to race, and will never race, until and perhaps when I have run in the engine. The car is too choon lah, cannot spoil it...... Anyway, it was a great Sunday drive, and thanks to BM5, mini is good, driver is even better, BOXSTER S is fantastic, but the driver is damn lousy, and that is my conclusion.

Basically i do not race also. If someone goes faster then so be it! :D
Got nothing to prove anyway. Point is to have fun. Cant wait till the next drive.
See you then.
Originally posted by LTH@Aug 5 2005, 08:50 AM
Hei guys, I have been keeping quiet so that you guys can argue until the kingdom come. The truth is, I am a coward with a brand new car that I don't wish to thrash around. It was a great drive with my good friend BM5, it wasn't a challenge. I have no doubt that BM5 is so much a better driver than I am. Remember that BLINDABLIDZ( can't bloody remember the spelling !!) who was trying to chase after me in his 528 while I was In my Boxster 2.5 then? By the way, I was so proud that he claimed I was flying at almost 200km per hr.. But on the other Saturday with BM5, I wasn't prepared to race, and will never race, until and perhaps when I have run in the engine. The car is too choon lah, cannot spoil it...... Anyway, it was a great Sunday drive, and thanks to BM5, mini is good, driver is even better, BOXSTER S is fantastic, but the driver is damn lousy, and that is my conclusion.

Good of you to post. You're right, it's not a challenge to race on public road. There's no doubt on my mind that which is the superior machine. Like I've said earlier, my goal was just to keep up.

You're being extremely humble by saying that you're a lousy driver (you've improved tremendously from what I gathered from our mutual friend :D ), it's not easy to handle a powerful RWD car as we all know. It takes lots of gut to travel at that not-so-sane speed when the sky's dark that morning, and it's always easier to be the one who follow, as he'll know in advance on the changes in road direction, and can anticipate before hand.

But it's all good fun at the end, I thouroughly enjoyed myself. Looking forward to the next one.

BTW, when do you want to follow me to do some serious karting? ;)
Originally posted by bmFIVE@Aug 3 2005, 07:49 PM
Hey guys, let's not start another round of AR vs BMW vs Porsche! B)
ahh....!!! :D :nyehehe: bmw sucks!!!!! :p Porsche sucks!!! :p Long Live ALFA....!!!! :yahoo:

btw, this is NECC's posting....*cabut* :ph34r:
Originally posted by bmFIVE@Aug 5 2005, 05:58 PM
BTW, when do you want to follow me to do some serious karting? ;)
Now, then you will know how good BM5's driving is.......you are forewarned :ph34r:
Hi Bindablitz, sorry that I was taking a shot at you again while replying BM5's message. We had missed each other for a while, and I could hardly spell your name correctly. We could have met at the recent BMW club annual gathering at Glemarie, but I guess none of my friends knew you. Hei, no hard feelings ok, for whatever I had said in the past. Like you, BM5 was so close to my MAMASITA that Sunday morning, it was worrying, as I am, honestly, a coward and a slow driver. Although the Boxster does make me feel that I am a better driver, when someone is breathing down my neck, it still is unpleasant and pure pressure, and I am likely to make mistakes under the circumstance. Next time, let me be the back driver, I don't mind smelling your ass! By the way, comparing the MCS and your 5, you were faster on our day than mine with MCS. I have just got back after a 6 months break from Sunday drives, it will take time for me to get used to all things, that is the reason for my being slow with MCS. Now, can someone give me some advice on the specification of a basic model Mini, ideally an auto version with sunroof. I used to drive one, when I wasn't an UNCLE. It won't be for racing, it is just for day to day use, like the Kancil I take to work. Have seen the interior of BM5's MCS, I must say I have fallen for it.
Hai MINITOO, I actually need feed back from people who own the mini. Manufacturer always have their glorified claim on the performance, the person who drives the car everyday gives the most accurate account. For almost 150K, I guess, one has to do some homework before buying. Like my BMW, I bought it, together with an inherent and unsolved problem till today. I was told that only one car in China has the same problem.
LTH, I am new to ONE also, done 1000k, and its real fun....so far!

- tried installing the front carbon roof fibre unfortunately this prevents the bonnet from closing
- it comes with std 15" rims, looking for 16"
- looking for exhaust chrome end and maybe roof spoiler
- chipping will void the warranty ( AB )

I think only the manual ONE comes with sunroof and sports seats, to compensate the difference of pricing to the auto.

Check pm!

sorry for digging up old threads, but was just wondering who was driving that E VII? Am interested to know bout its handling up UY.

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