Okay guys ... this is the deal. Sepang stated earlier that they have track day on 17/18/19 July and 24/25/26 July. I will probably be going on 19th and 26th. So let's look at 19th July, at say 2 pm, meet at the track?. So far those who are interested are as follows:
1. tIANcI
2. Daniel E30
3. aidilj
4. farezrider
5. unstopables_7
6. Zhul
If anyone else is keen please add in your name and I will get it all confirmed. Thanks guys! Let me see if can talk to the track and get 2 30 mins sessions, 60 mins straight is teruk la. Wanna take a break and tok nonsense also right? Oh yes ... do PM me your numbers so its easier to get in touch. I already have Daniel's and aidjil's numbers ...