Sepang has an open track day for the following dates 17/18/19 July and 24/25/26 July, this is on a per hour basis and not exclusive. Means anyone who comes and pays, gets to drive. The cost is the usual RM300/hours per car. Wanna have fun for 2 hours? Take note its a weekday.
There is a open slot for the track on 02 Aug and 16 Aug (weekday), its a 3 hour slot and it will cost RM8K/hr. Now, this is costly but again, possible to speak with sponsors? I feel it may be doable if there can be at least 30-40 confirmed participants. So say 40 x RM300 you have RM12K with a shortfall of 12K to make up. Speak with BMW Malaysia, Quill, AB, Ingress, tyre manufacturer, auto accessory outlets, workshops etc and if each can come up with a few K each, it would not be hard to cover. Now this only covers the track cost. We still need F&B (RM30 per person) and some form of content such as a 'How To Drive' class to make the outing into an event that would be attractive for sponsors. Each participant brings a friend or two and this creates a platform for sponsors to market/sell their products or services.
Presenting sponsor - BMW Malaysia
Supporting dealers - Auto Bavaria, Ingress Auto, Quill
Event partners - workshops, auto accessory shops etc
Official Tyres
Official whatever else
We market this via the dealers/outlets. Just print flyers, A5 sized and leave it with the dealers/outlets. This gives some brand exposure for the sponsors.
Anyways, I contacted ZeroToHundred and they organise the TimeToAttack event at Sepang. Now, they tell me that they have another session at Sepang on 22nd July. There will be a morning open track session from about 09:00 am to 12:00 noon. Cost is RM350 for a 3 hours session. There will be other cars on track too, some may be Tom Dick and Harry but this is the only viable option unless we wanna fork out RM20K. So who is keen to go for this? If we can get enough people we can then try to get a whole pit for ourselves. Can we at least make 10-20 participants? At such events getting bumped into is a norm, no major or serious accidents so far but bumps will happen.
Feedback please ... thanks!