Time for engine oil change

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u know what green killer , stick to your engine oil will do .
anyway what engine oil u are using now sounds good to me also . what engine oil can be found using in malaysian track care to share ar .
"just know that my car can rev to 5000 rpm then change gear wow nice feeling".


please, by all means,

use RP for your wow nice feeling car .....
IMO, it suits your car....

and don't forget to go back to AUTOCHILD for some discounts.

cheers, bro..

Originally posted by GREEN KILLER@Mar 16 2006, 06:42 AM
"just know that my car can rev to 5000 rpm then change gear wow nice feeling".

vincent ...5000 rpm !!! are you on an 4 potter or 6 potter ???
Originally posted by GREEN KILLER@Mar 16 2006, 02:42 PM
"just know that my car can rev to 5000 rpm then change gear wow nice feeling".


please, by all means,

use RP for your wow nice feeling car .....
IMO, it suits your car....

and don't forget to go back to AUTOCHILD for some discounts.

cheers, bro..

wei, vincent was tryin to share his experiences with us n wat's the hell is wrong with u?

why not, u tell us yr experiences then..?

iceman, i think so he's runnin at 4 pots...
Originally posted by GREEN KILLER@Mar 16 2006, 03:00 PM
anyway vincent,

thanks for yr time.

nice meeting u, bro......
yah , lets go for a tt one day :p
IMO, oil is oil no matter which brands. You use the brand, u like it, stick to it.

I've also been to Autochild for a visit and I personally find the charges a bit on the high side compared to my own usual mechanic. The place is 'white' and clean but that doesn't warrant for high charges in labour, i personally feel that charing RM30 per flush/drain is pretty expensive, I did the same thing as to what they are doing at my usual mechanic and I was only charged rm35 for labour. Same job, same results.

To me, the only difference that i could have FELT was right after flushing the engine, second round using another brand of oil with the same viscosity, it provided the same feel.

As for Royal Purple, there are some track cars on it locally as far as I know as my friend is dealing in Royal Purple and has been sponsoring some of the cars. AFAIK, so far the feedback is good. And no, I don't sell RP nor promote it and I'm not using it now either(using Adnoc now and feel it's the same in terms or feel and it's cheaper againts RP)
:D :D :D Stick To It !!!!!

Just Castrol magnetec 10/40w that is cheapper and good.
Use that not never go more than 7000km of mailage coz ur engine akan berat n kasar.
:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

sure, no prob, bro....coming down to Penang on 31/03/06?

Come larr, see Penang,

amoy oso sweet liao here u know.....
actually coming to penang end of this month , see got time to drop by or not for tt .....
I'm on Royal Purple Racing 41. Done 11,000km on it up-todate. Still not drained. Engine still revs hard and smooth, no fumbling or whatsover, early morning cold start, 1 crank engine starts up smoothly and steadily. Only thing I don't like is the COST. It's expensive RM96/quart. You do the math. Another thing is that RP Racing XX is not API certified, because it contains load of zinc for boundery layer lubrication for protection but it damages the cat con and also emits very harmful exhaust gasses. It's a Racing oil so it's meant for racing, who the hell cares about exhaust gasses or the cat con... one exception for this oil is that it's a Racing formula oil that contains detergants so that is can be used for daily street driving. Racing oil contains very less amounts of detergants as after a race, the oil will be drained so there is no need for large amounts of detergants.

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