Superbike Nuisance

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bro...previously im using the federal hiway riding Vmax until about 2month ago....lots of time i overtake police white horse and jpj waja (on the most right lane)riding 90kmh...(yeah right)....they dont even bother to look at me at all during the time...thats why i said they will close one eye....i do read in a daily newspaper the JKJR director suret singh or something did said that they allowed big bike to use the federal hiway due to the safety reason for the big bikers....
this is what i copy from a bikers club....but this is for car convoy...

- leader of the convoy
- responsible for the safety and well-being of all convoy members
- have to constantly update convoy members regarding the traffic n road condition so members can have reasonable time to react accordingly
- giving instruction to all other marshal

- ketua konvoi
- bertanggungjawab ke atas keselamatan semua ahli2 konvoi
- sentiasa memberi update kepada ahli konvoi terhadap keadaan semasa lalulintas supaya ahli konvoi mempunyai masa untuk bertindak
- memberi arahan kepada marshall2 yg lain

- asisting zero in managing orders to marshals n monitoring convoy communication
- responsible to relay information from zero to other member should the communication broke for large convoys
- only report to zero.
- will be granted permission to travel up n down the convoy as per needed

- membantu zero mengurus arahan yg diberikan kepada marshal2 dan memerhati komunikasai konvoi
- bertanggungjawab menghantar informasi dari zero ke ahli2 yg lain sekiranya komunikasi terpecah dlm konvoi yg besar
- melapor hanya kepada zero
- diberi izin untuk turun dan naik dalam konvoi bila diperlukan

Hot Car
- executing instruction given by zero, basically anything
- responsible to mark junctions so convoy members know where to turn to.
- ensure smooth journey of the convoy and this means with permission, blocking traffic from other direction.
- attending any emergencies and escort the car out the convoy, and back in.
- will be granted permission to travel up n down the convoy as per needed

- menurut arahan dari zero, apa sahaja arahan.
- bertanggungjawab menanda simpang supaya ahli konvoi tahu ke mana hendak belok
- melakukan tugas2 kecemasan dan eskot kereta yg rosak keluar masuk konvoi
- diberi izin untuk turun dan naik dalam konvoi bila diperlukan

- ensure all convoy members in position during journey.
- directing non-convoy members vehicle, a.k.a boogie out of the convoy
- will be granted permission to travel up n down the convoy as per needed

- memastikan smua ahli konvoi beada dalam kedudukan masing2 sepanjang perjalanan
- menghalakan smua kenderaan bukan dalam konvoi @ boogie keluar dari konvoi
- diberi izin untuk turun dan naik dalam konvoi bila diperlukan

Last car
- This would be the last car of the convoy, hence the name. if ur behind last car and ur not a marshal, ur not in convoy.
- responsible to report to zero on well-being of the convoy members
- constantly reporting the driving condition and the travel speed to zero
- consistently advicing zero on traffic condition at the back of the convoy should it need to slow the pace or increase

- kereta terakhir dalam knovoi. sekiranya anda di belakang last car dan anda bukan seorang marshall, anda bukan dalam konvoi
- bertanggungjawab melapor ke zero keadaan ahli2 konvoi
- sentiasa melapor ke zero keadaan pemanduan dan kelajuan ke zero
- sentiasa melapor ke zero keaddan lalulintas di belakang supaya zero akan melajukan lagi atau memprlahan kan kelajuan semasa

Team Leader
- during large convoy, team leader is the 'zero' of the group
- team leader will relay instructions from marshals to their group member
- consistently communicating with back marker of well-being of the group member

- dlm konvoi besar, team leader adalah zero dalam kumpulan
- team leader akan menyampaikan arahan drpd marshal ke ahli kumpulan
- sentiasa berhubung dngan back marker keadaan semasa kumpulan

Back Marker
- during large convoy, back marker is the 'last car' of the group
- consistently communicating with team leader to ensure well being of group member

- dalam konvoi besar, back marker adalah last car dlm kumpulan
- sentiasa berhubung dengan team leader dlm memastikan keselamatan ahli kumpulan

Emergency Response
- equiped with tools and in ideal case, some spare parts for emergency fixing.
- can sometimes also carry medical personnel
- not a must in convoys, but better if we have
- will be granted permission to travel up n down the convoy as per needed

- dilengkapi dengan tools dan sebaik2nya, spare part untuk pembaikan kecemasan
- bole juga membawa ahli kecemasan
- tidak wajib dlm konvoi, tapi elok ada
- diberi izin untuk turun dan naik dalam konvoi bila diperlukan

Camera Car/Video Car
- equiped with shooting equipment for the convoy
- will be granted permission to travel up n down the convoy as per needed

- dilengkapi dengan alatan pergambaran untuk konvoi
- diberi izin untuk turun dan naik dalam konvoi bila diperlukan
i don't mind superbikes convoys that break the rules ....why frequent can i see this high powered 2 wheelers in a convoy ...

wish i could see them passing by me every month...i'll just let them go by just to hear their growling exhaust sound...

sometimes rules are made to be broken too ...just like the speed limit many times that we overselves break the rules ...
buzzlie;426671 said:
Frustrating for the convoy riders/drivers ... no big issue. They choose to be in the convoy in the first place. But for us the public road users ... we are not involve with the convoy, so they shud be more considerate.

bro , it's thier time and day to enjoys their convoy, let them feel great times we should give others to feel their excitements too ....

of course certain sentiments you may be right as they should be more considerate , but as a road user we too could slow down and perhaps take a coffee break to let the convoy go by ....

same goes for those ministers convoys too ...that's even worse ...the outrider will just flag you to move over to further left at high speeds... i feel that even worse ....

i have to agree with OKOW .. bikes have to use bike lanes on hiways with bike lanes . No exception to the rule as I have been told by JPJ and traffic cops.. However having said that ,SORRY guys.. I have to admit ,on the federal hiway, I DO NOT USE the bike lanes for SAFETY reasons. Until the bike lanes are made safe enough and BIG enough for big bikes n safe from "predators" , I will not use them. I do use the one on KESAS from USJ to Sg Besi though coz THAT is SAFE enough. The reasons are :

#1: The small kapchais just zoom fast coz they are small and still overtake coz they are small but on small lanes it's dangerous but they still do it.. some scrape my panniers even..and can make us big bikes lose balance.. they are small so they negotiate those VERY tight bends better and fast and these rempits dont care waaaaan... but we have to be slow in order to negotiate those tight chicanes... and they want to go fast, so they just whizz by... startles me maaan... opportunity for accidents to happen.. I am safer on the main road... have you seen how small the lanes are when mounted on a big cumbersome bike?

#2 there are predators especially at night and when there are not many traffic.. they are many whom have been robbed .. As I carry a lot of precious items, I avoid even the chance of being robbed...

#3 Federal Hiway bike lanes are not well maintained.. when it rains, it gets flooded at some stretches .. not well lit...

so far I have never been stopped by cops eventhough I pass by them. The thing is .. I can maintain my speed just the same as cars.. and act as a car would..if i go slow I ll take the left most lane and obey the traffic rules as a car would.. such as overtaking etc.. if i go fast I ll take the right most lane..and I DO NOT weave ... and the bike & I are 2 massive objects then cant be missed by other road users, hence as far as visibility is concerned , I am safe. My RT with the panniers ,is almost as wide as a Kancil to use bike lane? Those small kapchais sometimes can be missed by our human eyes and also in the blindspots..Hence I understand the rule for them to use the bike lane.

However , having said all that.. I only use the Federal hiway as a last alternative and I always avoid it whenever I can.. and only on short stretches when i do use it.. If I have to go to all the way to KL , I use the NKVE or the LDP..much more fun.. much better... coz hey..I dont have to pay toll.. but guys..remember .. I have to pay more road tax than kapchais.. and more than 2.2 litre cars even... and more insurance than other equivalent cars of same value coz of loading etc.. NCB max only 25% maaa... and remember also that NO ONE is STOPPING YOU from using a bike either and join in the fun and no toll fun.. it is just a choice we make.. so dont hold grudges on choices that we are all able to make..

so, if I do get stopped by cops .. I ll just ask them to SAMAN coz is MUCH MUCH more CHEAPER than paying for repairs and repainting on my beloved bike coz of a fall .. which has happened (heart ache) and I vowed not to use those lanes where possible..

as for convoys.. bikes , cars , trucks whatever ... ALL THE SAME LAAAAH... if there is an official marshall and/or traffic cops , these officials have to stick to speed limit maaaa so as to set example as they are the authority how to go above OFFICIAL speed limit.. believe me.. it gets boring and frustrating... but how to go fast.. CANNOOOOOOT maaa... so just ikut laaa... if u need to go faster and feel hindered / ticked off by the convoy.. just overtake laaa..simple.. if they are on right lane..give a double honk so that they are AWARE and go left laaa where possible also same maaa.. humans!!

as for those unofficial ones, your guess is as good as mine lah.. they do go fast and no way even if hell freezes over, a car on public roads can overtake 'em be it a Ferrari nor a Porsche... so just let it by lah..I always give way when I see 'em.. even if u r a supped up M3 or M6 just let em by lah.. power to weight ratio is like an M3 with 1000++ to beat that. safer for everyone.. no ego bruised here coz it is just an undisputable fact and they just want to pass through.. not asking for a race... I think all big bikers are like that.. THEY NEVER WANT TO RACE with cars.. coz it's redundant! Even among themselves they do not race.. but just going fast...

My advice is, dont take it personally.. chill out and dont make our own blood pressure hike up by such antics unnecessarilly..if the marshall, official or not is managing a traffic junction or whatever, just give way and enjoy the view lah.. if u have to go somewhere fast ..overtake lah after that.. in other words .. live with it.. I DO HAVE 6 cars , I am writing on behalf of both worlds... imagine this.. if without those marshalls , u might not see the bikes exit or cross a junction one by one amongst many other reasons and u end up hitting them and hurting your precious UDM , so.. worse off than being stopped and letting em by.. right?.. and remember, u might be a sharp super duper driver but they are millions of other folks driving out there with all sorts of ailments and attitudes.. so, it is better off for it the bikers and the car drivers.. coz , hey.. the most u might lose is a few minutes versus someone else's or own life and/or property..

In other words, control your mind and not let your mind control you! Think positive maaaa :) hey, i also get ticked off by drivers and bikers that move slow on right lanes when I drive my car or my bike.. what to do... live with it lah..

that is not too bad lah.. not too dangerous but what I want to highlight now is there are BMW drivers that endanger the lives of bikers and other drivers that police reports are made about 'em.. I will post the link later... they purposely "cucuk" the bike even when they are on left lane and when the bike move aside, they slow down and continue hogging as like asking for a race.. the heck with it.. even when this bikers slow down they start to harass em.. NOW, THAT IS DANGEROUS... the sad thing is.. the complaint is made about BMW drivers..I am a BMW driver too.. :driver::106:.. just because we drive powerful BMW cars , doesnt mean we have to showboat our prowess..Do we?:dontknow:[/SIZE]
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