Speedball Drive to Phuket

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
Got this email from the DRIVEN Boys.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi there fellow Enthusiast! Motorheads! Fly-guys! Fly-girls! What haveyou's! The much anticipated SPEEDBALL KL PHUKET DRIVE 2005 is finally out.Its time to pick up your BALLS and join in one of the most exciting longhaul drives with fellow Car Club members and enthusiasts to Phuket. Partyall the way, have your 'CARS' judged by our MISS DRIVEN PHUKET and join inour own Super Special 'TT' Session!Register early and don't miss out on this exhilating event of the year!Visit us at www.driven.com.my/speedball or send us a mail atspeedball@driven.com.my for more details----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anybody interested to go for this? The Ms Driven Phuket sounds exciting (if they're real ladies...ekekek).
Wau, is this like those Gumball runs? Must get a koenisegg for this type of drive, otherwise cannot hit 200mhp!
Isn't it this weekend?

Oopss... just saw the date...

End of November... Yeah.. Sounds interesting...
what's a speedball run? is it a race? why the need to hit 200mph? :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
The govt has new deterrents for speeders.

e.g. 40kmh above speed limit and your license is suspended.
I think there's some entry form or something. Don't know how much the cost will be la?? :dunno:

but if not mistaken, those interested can contact/pm Tyke (Brad) ;)
This drive is sponsor by Plotong, how to be Gumball style!
aiyoo...my car will be too slow to qualify for participation :(
Originally posted by 3er@Oct 6 2005, 04:00 PM
The govt has new deterrents for speeders.

e.g. 40kmh above speed limit and your license is suspended.
40 km/h ??! means only can drive at the speed of 149 km/h on the road?? oh man.. damn!!

hey but this speedball run do sounds interesting..

1st of all guys,this isnt a race,nor a rally!
this is a sanctioned inter car club drive from kl-hadyai-phuket!
the main aim of this event is to strengthen ties between the many car clubs in malaysia and singapore.and also the one main aim in this event,for all to hav tonnes of fun. :nyehehe:
we dont want anyone to get the wrong idea tht the main agenda of the speedball is a race like the gumball & canonball events!

although this event is sponsored mainly by proton,all other car clubs r duely invited to join as this is afterall an inter car club drive....

so c'mon guys.....the more the merrier! :yahoo:

any other info,u guys knw where to get hold of me.... ;)
hoping to hear from y'all!

Originally posted by tyke@Oct 7 2005, 12:34 PM
1st of all guys,this isnt a race,nor a rally!

i think most of the ppl will still race lor.. :nyehehe:
Yes no doubt, but there are rules and regulations governing the drive and the marshals are there to ensure that everyone is kept in check. (when possible).

Yeah Tyke, since you'll be involved in the organising of this event, why not act as the Q&A expert between the club and Driven. I'm sure tons of questions will be asked as it's not any usual Sunday Drive we've had.
DD,yup....i will definately answer any other queries by the members....
further info will be handed to kevster to be posted for all to peruse! ;)
but i shall expect u to join us for the drive yeah??? :nyehehe:

guys,proton....aside from being the title sponsor is also the sole emergency/medical/media back up provider.

Can we join in from Penang as well......instead from KL? Anyone has register so far? :)
Hey, a couple of questions;

1. What's the fuel quality like in Thailand? I read somewhere that during the Satria GTi clubs' drive to Phuket, many of the GTis fell foul of low fuel quality.

2. What kinda condition are the roads in on the route up to Phuket?

3. If it's going to be a speed limited "rally" up to Phuket... it's going to be bloody boring now, isn't it?

4. What's the cost?

5. Can participants elect to stay in other hotel/resorts on Phuket?
Originally posted by tyke@Oct 7 2005, 06:20 PM

but i shall expect u to join us for the drive yeah??? :nyehehe:
If I'm in town, why not? :nyehehe:
Originally posted by Stepheno@Oct 9 2005, 01:27 PM
Can we join in from Penang as well......instead from KL? Anyone has register so far? :)
Hi there,

I'm replying on behalf of the event organizers.

Yes, you can but you will need to attend the Drivers Briefing, scheduled for the 19th November, prior to the drive.

The fees will remain the same and it would actually be best for you to give the organizers a call to see where to actually meet up before the border as there will be an escorted convoy to the frist stop from there.

So far there are about 50 confirmed car entries and we only have space for 100 cars to go for the trip.

If you need further details, you can PM me or Tyke.

Thanks and regards
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