[ PROs NEEDED ] E46 Unable To Start!

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Club Guest
Sep 18, 2008
hello forumers, im new and need some advice and help in my problem ! i've been all over googling some tips and ill start the work tomorrow morning, but i still need some advice though since im quite a newbieSyptoms1) able to crank but wont start the car2) battery fully charged3) immobilizer " OK "any other comments or advice please leave a message here or PM me !any help would be very appreciate !Thanks in advance !msn : naovx@hotmail.com (feel free to add me ! im a car addict !)
hellgrace5;357478 said:
hello forumers, im new and need some advice and help in my problem ! i've been all over googling some tips and ill start the work tomorrow morning, but i still need some advice though since im quite a newbie

1) able to crank but wont start the car
2) battery fully charged
3) immobilizer " OK "

any other comments or advice please leave a message here or PM me !
any help would be very appreciate !
Thanks in advance !

msn : naovx@hotmail.com (feel free to add me ! im a car addict !)
there is many cause to your case, most likely its Idling control valve or your vacum hose, next time depress your gas pedal then only crank your engine, see what happe
could be that too. i had the same problem as well. turned out to be the air flow meter + vacuum hose. but this doesn't happen overnight in my case. there are early syntoms where the the RPM suddenly drops and car starts to jerk alot, losing power but not total cut off and after that normal again.

when caught in a traffic jam, the RPM also becomes very inconsistent and engine dies of at times right in the middle of the road!

i'm glad this is all behind me after changing the vacuum hose and airflow meter.
thanks guys for sharing opinion..
there is no firing and no fuel suppy !!:eek:
fuel is fully filled =/ fuses are ok , i will check on the vacuum hoses for now .

anymore infos and opinion do come and share !

thanks for the above opinions. worth reading .
crank the engine, and ask someone to spell the exhaust gas. (becareful)
Do you spell fuel ?

Even the Air-Flow failed, DME should have a "fail-safe" procedure and can start the car eventually.

Have you try jump start ? (yes, the battery is good, but no harm to try :) )
alright thanks turbology for sharing some ideas. ill give it a try on and will be replying result here once i get results.

thanks everyone for sharing.
afifazhanee;358013 said:
fuel pump. kena this before.

check fuel supply 1st, since u hav a gud batt n no faults on immo. just take out d fuel hose tht connects 2 d rail n crank. it there is no fuel, check d fuse (behind d glove box n also in d E-box, where d DME is.). i use 2 trouble shoot a car which hav a missfire n found tht one of d fuse inside d E-box is burnt. this might happen 2 u. in d E-box, there is a small box with 6-8 fuses inside. check all of them. n make sure u put it in d right order back, or else ur prob could b worst. hav u sent ur car 2 any SC for this prob?

ohh, plz also check d wires for d coils n fuel injectors 2. they might b wires tht "tsepit" between d rocker cover n d head. i encountered this b4 2. gud luck trouble shooting bro :top:
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