Projet Function pics

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Club Guest
Dec 9, 2004
Hey guys...Here are some pics taken during the function.. :eek:k: Really had fun thanks to DD and Albundy... :eek:k: Got minyak!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Originally posted by Axle@Jun 16 2005, 03:45 AM
Wah so nice that blue e30 :rofl: :rofl:
which blue e30 nice?got 2 mah!hehehe.... :nyehehe: :lol:
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I had my camera in my pocket the whole time and forgot to take it out :dunno:

When I was fueling up, I must have had 7 photographers take pictures of me at the tank with ProJet's MD. He said I was going to be a celebrity :yahoo: Even had a reporter ask me questions. She asked the different b/w ProJet's fuel vs. others. I said I could not really comment. Its my first time using this. I'm sure I'll be using this more often since I have to use up my gas vouchers :p

Thanks to those that organized the event and getting me in at the last minute. It was nice to meet some of you guys. Hope to see you guys around next time.
but mine shinier! happy lah now u got new radiator! :nyehehe: :eek:k:
Originally posted by tyke@Jun 16 2005, 04:51 PM
but mine shinier! happy lah now u got new radiator! :nyehehe: :eek:k:
Ofcourse lar! :yahoo:
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