Potholes in kl...

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Feb 10, 2007
The Star OnlineFriday August 22, 2008KL image marred by potholesBy FAZLEENA AZIZALTHOUGH Kuala Lumpur is one of the more pleasant cities for living and holidays, one thing mars the image of the otherwise beautiful capital city -- the potholes and uncovered manholes in many of its roads.Almost all drivers in the city would have had some unfortunate experiences of bumps, near misses or even minor accidents caused by the potholes and manholes.In what seems like a never-ending saga, the tyres and rims of many cars and vans have suffered the trauma of rough driving in the city, with the holes and bulging features of the roads.Some of the busiest main roads in Kuala Lumpur like Jalan Tun Perak, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Jalan Raja Chulan, Jalan Kepong and Jalan U-thant are just a few of the many major roads having the notorious distinction of having potholes almost everywhere.StarMetro checked on these roads this week and found several common features -- uneven road surface, uncovered manholes on the side walks and deep potholes that could pose a big danger if not covered up fast.
Poorly done: A manhole that goes as deep as two inches near Jalan Bukit Bintang. According to Cheras resident Rosmawatie Abdul Halim, 25, the steel covers on the sidewalks and roads are often missing, obviously stolen by the despicable scrap metal thieves.“The authorities need to use a tougher type of lids and install them properly and securely,” she said.“The problem is caused by poor management by the city authorities. Telecommunication companies also need to upgrade their facilities instead of locating their cables under the ground,” she said.Sungai Besi resident Maizatul Kartini Kamaruldin, 25, agrees that there are too many damaged roads in the city.“The Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) is a good example to show how bad the condition of the road is. I think this may be due to the use of cheap materials to build them, hence the holes appear,” she said.Maizatul said the relevant parties should check the condition of the roads and take the necessary action for the safety of the public.Ampang resident R. Sanjivan, 27, said the potholes damage the vehicle’s suspension, dent the car rims and in some cases, pucture the tyres.“It is also dangerous when trying to avoid the manholes because it can lead to accidents,” he said.“When the Tenaga Nasional Bhd and Telekom Bhd workers come to do some work, they usually do not resurface the road properly after that,” Sajivan said.“The road then becomes uneven and can be dangerous at night or during a downpour, when visibility is limited,” he said.Sanjivan said certain areas could use better maintenance for safety purposes.According to town planning and environmental expert Pratap Chandran Gopinath, the overall road system in the city is not that bad.“The problem is that there is no proper coordination among the various departments or agencies. After workers of one department resurfaced the road, the workers of an utility company come along next and do some other work, digging up the road again,” he said.“The problem is they do not ensure that the road is properly resurfaced or patched up after doing what they want,” Pratap said.“What we need is a complete revamp like in Putrajaya, where they have dedicated corridors for utility cables,” he said.Asked if the problem was caused by shoddy workmanship, Pratap said to a certain extent, it might be a cause.“Some contractors do not follow the proper specifications and there is no quality control.“That is why when is rains, potholes emerge because the road is resurfaced just two inches thick instead of four,” he said.“It is important for the local council to play its role to ensure quality workmanship and proper maintenance,” Pratap said.I JUST HATE THESE POTHOLES!!!:rolleyes:
I must say BMW is good at handle these pothholes ..like no rasa only.
Japanese Korean Local cars = BANG!!
I was in Phuket recently and the roads there (and other parts of Thailand) are flawless! But here in Malaysia we can't even patch up a road properly!

Our roads reminds me that we are still living in a third world country. Fed up!
i use to work on road construction long time ago and the spec given by JKR and the spec done by contractor is way different. The layers of granites and pre mixes will be reduced to save materials and make money.. Once everything is done, the JKR so called engineer will come for inspection but before he arrives we already dig few holes for him to inspect and of course that particular area will be in euro specs...

somemore after we have nice new roads kena korek by tnb la, jabatan longkang la and never patch it properly so end of the day our road looks like kena kurap

end of story:top:
That's one of the reason or fact that deter me to upgrade to 19".
Really have to concentrate on the road surface while driving. To my surprise in my recent visit to KL(Cheras) recently got too many bump stop & very high too Unlike in SG u dun have to worry at all even nearby construction area. Even tyre noise are very very minimal.
Road quality in SG different compared to Malaysian road hence less tire noise. Malaysian roads is very unfriendly to cars and I don't see it improving anytime soon. Sucks :(
no peace when on the road....even 18's are so vulnerable to this f*cking potholes. burst one before wt dented rims just after exiting a corner.. the sound was so loud, not the burst tyres, but the suspension hit its limit..it was on a 300zx, quite a heavy car...
i also heard, if u dont mind the hassle want to take it further, u can ask fr compensation on damage caused by the particular pothole..not sure how though??
potholes even caused many motorcycles life... even that was too late to be covered up by the authorities...
This has been an issue that make my blood boil with rage! Please give us a Government that can fix our roads and upkeep with strict standards and zero pilferation. Until then, how can Malaysia claim developed status? Sorry lah, the JKR bosses should have been made to hang for such serious deterioration in our roads long ago!
Juan Powerblow;351399 said:
This has been an issue that make my blood boil with rage! Please give us a Government that can fix our roads and upkeep with strict standards and zero pilferation. Until then, how can Malaysia claim developed status? Sorry lah, the JKR bosses should have been made to hang for such serious deterioration in our roads long ago!

Hear hear! Took the words right out of my mouth!
I've always wondered how people could drive around Malaysian roads with anything above 18 inch rims.

On another note, the tyre shop which I usually visit owner recently acquired a new Merc CLS. Anyone up for a tyre shop JV?
on one hand, we have the regulators who don't know or purposely don't want to do their job. On the other side of things, you have the implementors (contractors) who purposely skim on their work for a quick buck. How?

In any corruption, there is a giver and there is a receiver.
VKS;351158 said:
i use to work on road construction long time ago and the spec given by JKR and the spec done by contractor is way different. The layers of granites and pre mixes will be reduced to save materials and make money.. Once everything is done, the JKR so called engineer will come for inspection but before he arrives we already dig few holes for him to inspect and of course that particular area will be in euro specs...

somemore after we have nice new roads kena korek by tnb la, jabatan longkang la and never patch it properly so end of the day our road looks like kena kurap

end of story:top:

Syyyy!!! Dun say kuat²... nanti orang dengar!

I'm also from construction industry before, this is true since the premix price is the same just like our petrol/diesel price... this is how our contractor have to do in order to cari makan, otherwise nobody will stick to JKR regulation while their rate is likely that we doing a welfare job...
Now i see... the roads are done in expense of People's Life ... no wander so many accidents... Just like the LPT.. full of crap highway.. almost got me killed...

so we are expandable ? and JKR is not ?
mangkor;351525 said:
Syyyy!!! Dun say kuat²... nanti orang dengar!

I'm also from construction industry before, this is true since the premix price is the same just like our petrol/diesel price... this is how our contractor have to do in order to cari makan, otherwise nobody will stick to JKR regulation while their rate is likely that we doing a welfare job...

:eek:Alamak..! forgive me for revealing some of the old tricks...not intended to spoil anyones rice bowl....but it has been twice i have to repair my 18'' becoz of the road conditions...even that doesnt bother me that much but lotsa innocent motorist died and leave their family to suffer due to our road conditions and peculiar designs..sighhh....

Last whole week also they were digging the whole stretch of Jln Cheras batu 2 1/2.. this morning the patch work is like a small drain in between lanes... Driving me nuts... Have to consider 17's... 18's are just a matter of time before they start cracking in these road conditions... Drive like Kancil for the time being...sigh sigh When is JKR/Govt going to get their ass moving??

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